Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Friday, May 29, 2009

Become the hero.

I read a post by a person today who is having trouble adjusting to change. I really felt for this person, they really felt that the world was changing and that there was nothing left, it was heartbreaking to read the post, because I believe the person genuinely felt this way.

Change can be hard, it can be life changing, but it can be what we make it. The person wanted to know where the hero was, who was coming to save the day. What I have learnt from my Gang Stalking experience is that when there is no hero, you become the hero, you can't control everything, God I wish we could, but you take control of what you can, and you encourage others to do the same.

The first and normal reaction to change is to hate it with a passion, to want to fight against it, to rail against it, to cry out and to mourn for what was. That is a natural and very human reaction to have, but once we have that reaction we can and must start to make what we can of our new circumstances. I can be very hard, it can almost be heartbreaking.

My life was really good, I live a boring but on track life. I had played life carefully, I had kept good credit and had a great relationship with my cc company. Platinum card while still very young, good jobs, etc. All the stupid material things they teach you to work and strive for. Then this crazy Gang Stalking stuff happened and my life changed. My expectations have not changed, but I had to adapt, I am still adapting. The things that so easily should have been, currently are not. Life is not the way that I want it to be, but I can't afford to give up. I can't let it get me down and I can't afford to grow hateful, resentful, or give up on the life that I still have. I can't afford to let it make me stop living.

Change for many others can happen in other ways, the death of a loved one, divorce, moving, changes in society, change in what's happening with the country, etc. Change can make you feel scared, depressed, and many don't know what to do about it, and it can overcome you if you let it, but you can't let it do that. You have to fight back. You first have to get a grip on yourself, the world is not ending just yet. It might feel like it, but it's not.

Then come to terms, mourn, get angry, cry if you have to, take the time you need to deal, but you also still have to find a way to function. I went through a lot of this with the Gang Stalking stuff, and it was horrible, because while I see this as horrible, many are just going right along with it, many like this, but I don't want the world to be like this, I don't want to live in a society of informants, but I do. Most days I would love to be just off on an Island, just me, no crazy Informants burning, tracking me, no crazy society, but that is not happening right now, so I have to find ways to make of it what I can. I have to find ways to survive. It can be very
heartbreaking, but it can also be very character building.

Change in part is what you make of it, and how you react to it. The other thing is if you are feeling this way change that is happening in your life, the changes are good others feel the same way, and it might be good even healthy to converse or socialize with others who feel the same way. It can be cathartic, and it can also help you find ways to cope together. Chance can be heartbreaking, but never lose site of your goals, and your dreams, never lose site of hope. It's one of the most important things that I have learnt from my experience.

Kyle Reese might not show up to save you in your hour of need, but then you just become the hero in part two and save others. Once you get a hold of yourself, become the hero for others. By helping others and doing something for others, and taking an active stance, that is one good way to start to heal and make the best of what you can.

( user Offspring1014 Video Hero.)

When there is no hero, you become the hero. Sword in hand, you pick yourself right up off the ground, and you rise from the ashes of oppression, whatever that may be, and you become the hero.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leashing the snitch 2.

Why we must continue to document our harassment.

See I get bored day in day out writing down everything that has happened and I forget that by documenting my experiences of torture, the day in day out harassment's it's the only way other targets and in fact the world will begin to understand what we are doing through. I get tired of it, because how many times can I write that the I have blisters on the back of my head and face because they are electronically torturing me, and it's making my skin blister and it's burning me? It's become such a daily and common event for me, that I don't even write about it anymore, but that's not correct, because how are others ever to understand what we are going through if we don't let them know?

I also think that because I have not been sharing what was happening, it's caused me to be a bit more hateful, because I am keeping it in and not letting it out, so I am going to work on that. Before this started happening, I have always been a very private person and had things gone according to plan it would have continued that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
Last week I had the building worker enter my apartment while I was home. He claimed he thought it was an emergency, but he has done this one other time before. The first time I just left it alone and pretty much just gave him unpleasant stares whenever I saw him. This time however I wrote him up. If I as a target keep letting them get away with stuff, they will think it's ok to keep doing it. You have to snap them back to a sense of reality, and the reality is, this is not ok. I also blame myself however, because for most of the year I had just been giving him unpleasant stares due to the first incident which I mostly let go, but on a personal level I just let him know it was not ok, and then recently I decided to be civil, that was a mistake. Well the moment I decided to be civil, the building worker used that to do the bidding of his informant buddies and enter my apartment while I was home, claiming he thought there was an emergency. There is an emergency, the country has been taken over, by a bunch of informants, but you are too stupid to see why that's a problem.

See what they normally do when my heartrate is not detectable is they will call my phone. I solved that problem. The other thing they use to do is have a stranger knock at the door and make up some dumb excuse as to why they were knocking, well I stopped checking and this stopped working, so he is the only resource left to stupid informants. They used a resource stupider than themselves.

What happens is that the losers who are monitoring me, lose track of my heart rate and can't detect where I am in my apartment. I have spent months learning how to find ways to make it hard for me to be detected. Most times if they can't detect where I am in my apartment or if I am there, it's harder for them to figure out where to burn my skin. Eg. Whatever they are using is mobile and I believe some have hand held items, but at other times I have distinctly heard something mechanical being wheeled from room to room. I suspect at those times, they could well be using a portable X-ray machine or something similar. I suspect at other time they are using a radar flashlight, someone told me once that it might be a radar gun, but I think it could be this a radar flashlight. They are cheap, portable and the informants could have access to them.


[quote]A prototype device called the RADAR Flashlight, developed at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), can detect a humans presence through doors and walls up to 8 inches thick. The device uses a narrow 16-degree radar beam and specialized signal processor to discern respiration and/or movement up to three meters behind a wall. The device can penetrate even heavy clothing to detect respiration and movements of as little as a few millimeters. [/quote]

What they use detects movement and pulse or heartrates. The little idiots or whoever is on shift in the apartment below me, (including the creepy neighbour) using whatever they are using to detect movement, heatrate, etc. It let's them know where I am in my apartment. The more movement there is, the better reading they can get. I had a video from Youtube showing something similar, but the video is no longer on Youtube, just like many other good videos. If I lie perfectly still or avoid my pulse points touching any surfaces, they don't get a reading, and then you notice that they start to bang on the walls, or other items below, to cause vibrations above, eg. Some time the noise might cause an accellerated heart or pulse rate so that they can get a reading. If this fails, they often use something else that causes vibrations in my apartment, again designed to do what their idiotic banging and kicking on the walls can not do. For the banging and kicking on the walls, record and complain, that stops this problem. I have learnt how to overcome much of this, not 100% but enough to annoy the more stupid ones. It's funny, when I think of learning how to overcome this stuff, I always remember that scene in terminator 1, where kyle is like,


The H-K's use infra-red so you
still have to watch out.
But they're not too bright.
John taught us ways to dust them. [/quote]

In every period of turmoil, people have to find interesting ways to survive. Everytime I hear one of those dumb creatures banging on the walls cause they can't get a heart rate, pulse or movement, I think of this scene. They are not too bright.

I go through this day in day out. Whenever I am employed and working at a job, just to be spiteful, they use whatever it is that causes vibrations at full blast. It's like being on a construction site, or being shaken all night by a jack hammer. If you don't find ways to limit the effects you get no sleep, or body aches, which makes it harder and harder to get up and function for the eight hours that a job requires, and gives you a good chance of getting fired if you don't show up, because you got no sleep. I have found ways to limit the effects, but when it's on full blast not completely. I have tested it out when it's on full blast and I go into the hallway, the vibrations can be felt outside of my apartment, so I am sure if I had normal neighbours and not informants around me, they would also be complaining about it. People are just willing to go along with just about anything as long as they convince themselves that it's for the greater good. How many times in history have we heard that before? Or how many times have we heard, I was just following orders? The Nazi's used that one a lot. Anyways after reading the other targeted individual blogs recently, I realise that we have to keep sharing our stories and letting the world know what is happening to us. I try not to share the trivial incidents, but with Gang Stalking, it is the trivial day in and day out incidents that make the difference. It's the accumulation of those incidents that help to paint the bigger picture.

What I realised about other events in history such as what they were doing in Russia with dissidents is that they lied about it, and life in the Soviet Union continued just the same, it was the story after story of the same thing that finally brought the truth to light, so I guess we have to keep bothering the ACLU, or whatever organization in your country that handles these complaints. We need to keep filing reports.

I don't know if I should waste the time with a police report, but whet if this neighbour is someone who has a history of this, and by doing nothing I put someone else in danger, again keep in mind since they are twisted, he might have been just trying to vandalize my signs again, but there is no way to know for sure. Seriously what would spiderman do? Yes I know he is a comic book character, but don't we learn from these characters in our darkest moments, and other things around us? Anyways I was thinking of the time he got ripped off for the wrestling match and he decided to not stop the crook who eventually shot his uncle Ben. I always want to do the right thing. Like I said I believe in being a good neighbour, look out for each other, and if it does mean getting others involved I am not against doing that if it's truly required. At the same time, I deeply believe that you never have to be a part of an informant program to do so.

If I do file a report, I know to type it up and not do it over the phone. As I explained a couple of years ago after two attempts to get my Gang Stalking report filed in person failed, I decided to make my report over the phone. I had researched all about the informant force, and spoken to other officers who even told me some information about how the program worked etc. I gave them some details they gave me details etc. Either way I was well versed and when I filed my report I was very clear about what was ongoing with the harassment. I got a copy of the report via Freedom of Information Act, she had twisted just about everything I said and in the report, she wrote community services might need to get involved. Some of these cops are corrupt. So I immediately tried to get this fixed over the phone, no can do. So I wrote up my own report and requested they change the parts where she had deliberately twisted what I said, or flat out lied. I dropped off report after report. All were lost. I walked into a station and requested the officer change it on the computer, he said he could not do that, but would note that I was not emotionally disturbed or anything like that. Great what good does that do? I finally found out what the process was for disputing incorrect information in a police report was, I went through the process of opening a complaint, and sending in my report to get the correction made, and in the long run they did not change the report. It's still the same as it was. During the course of this, I found out the officer that had filed the report had taken some time off, etc. See some cops are still good, but there are enough that are corrupt, so that you have to be careful. It's a balance.

Either way, it's renewed my belief that we have to keep up what we have been doing, getting our stories told and heard. I don't mean some of the fake stuff that informants are putting onto Youtube to make us look crazy, but testimony of real targets. The sad part is many real targets do get turned into informants.

Either way, I guess the lesson is, keep sharing as best as we can, keep annoying the ACLU, Amnesty, keep posting in the forums, getting the blogs up, and getting our stories told. I still think for the most part, keep some information private. One target who use to post her information online posted her address, and as I pointed out, some people in one forum were discussing her in a very unflattering manner. She also stopped posting to Youtube about a year ago, and I don't know what happened to her. There are a lot of crazy people in the world, and even outside of the informants that would not hesitate to harm targets, so be aware. Do what makes you comfortable, but I guess we have to keep trying no matter what we decide.

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America does not torture?

[quote]Abu Ghraib abuse photos 'show rape'Photographs of alleged prisoner abuse which Barack Obama is attempting to censor include images of apparent rape and sexual abuse, it has emerged. At least one picture shows an American soldier apparently raping a female prisoner while another is said to show a male translator raping a male detainee.[/quote]

This article is very important. The reason it's important is in part because it shows what happened in Abu Ghraid and in part confirms what many of already knew about the allegations of rape. There have been allegations of rape for men, women, and children. Some sites a few years back showed video of rapes, though some videos may have been false, many others are believed to have been real.

This has been a disgusting and disgraceful time in American history and it's a time I am sure many would like to forget and sweep under the rug, but if you do that, doesn't that make you just as monstrous as Germany when they tried to cover up a lot of the Atrocities after WWII? They lied about a lot of what had happened and tried to cover it up.
I watched Obama stand before a group of Congress and declare that America does not torture.

[quote]"Living our values doesn't make us weaker, it makes us safer and it makes us stronger. And that is why I can stand here tonight and say without exception or equivocation that the United States of America does not torture," Obama said.[/quote]

I watched them stand up and clap in regards to this speech. I think most people like and respect Obama, but to say that just hit me. When I saw the speech I was thinking does he mean right this moment as he is saying it? Does he mean they have never tortured? I couldn't help but think about all the Targeted Individuals men, women and children that were getting burnt in their homes on a daily basis. Who are being tortured in America and other nations. I could not help but think about what I knew about the prison Camps Abu Ghraid and Guantanamo Bay.

About the pictures I had seen and some of the things that had gone on their, but here was this President, someone who America listens to and I think trusts, saying that America does not torture. How do you reconcile that? I know most countries would rather keep their dark deeds hidden, it's the nature of the beast. It took many years for them to even admit to and then finally apologize for other dark times in American history such as the Tuskegee experiments that they conducted on Black men in the south, but eventually they did apologise.

Living your values makes safer and stronger, but apparently those values involve living in a state of denial and I don't see how that can make anyone stronger. I think it would make you far stronger to step up to the plate as a nation admit fully what had happened, no holds barred and then apologise for it, and then let the nation start the healing process. Saying that there will be no torture under your administration does not change the past, and failing the victims, and not letting their abuse and tortures be known, still hurts and I daresay tortures them on a
psychological level, the same way not dealing with slavery affected the America psyche for years down the line.

Germany is in many ways just now starting to recover from their Hitler time and have pride and love again for what Germany was, I just saw and article about that and I think it's good, because they have finally dealt with and acknowledged some of what happened during that time period.

What would the world be like in America now if people denied Slavery happened or said that it was not that bad? Well many Americans are still psychologically grappling with the legacy that left behind and when people try to brush it under the carpet, some get upset and offended, well is denying or not fully confronting the events of the last several years any better? Isn't it just as offensive to deny the extent to which torture happened? To try to brush it under the carpet?
I think America needs to heal for what happened, but I don't think America will heal by underplaying and denying what when on, just like slavery or any of your other dark past, you have to find a way as a nation to step up to the plate, take ownership and acknowledge what happened, then apologize and only then can you truly start to heal as a nation.

Most would like to forget what happened, but I don't think that will make you stronger or better in the long run, it's not a healing or a healthy mentality to have. After 9-11 you felt hurt, violated and so you lashed back, even though Iraq was not the enemy, you did what you thought would make you feel safe, but in the end violations were committed, grievous violations and to heal, that has to at some point in the American psyche has to be dealt with.

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Leasing the snitch.

They wonder why I dislike them.

I was in my apartment as usual minding my own business, when I heard my door press in, but it's locked so it just makes that sound, like someone is trying the door. Anyways I went to investigate. So I stand there. The door does it again. I check the peep hole, but don't see anything, but the door does it again. Like someone is pushing in my door. I also press on the door from the inside, and the door presses again, like someone is pushing it in. So I open it, cause I want to see who is there.

I know not a sane thing to do at that time of the night, but really. Guess what a shock it's the creepy neighbour guy. So I am like WTH are doing at my door at this time of night? He has nothing to say, because he has just been caught. It's like the last time I caught this loser peeking through the slot at the same time of night. Maybe he has an early morning disease that makes him have to peek into other people's homes, or attempt to push in or open the door. My personal theory is that he is probably an ex jail job, one of those ones they let out, and one that I would keep little kids away from. Then again I don't like him.

These people wonder why I want bad things to happen to them, just like the last time I caught this guy at the door, he had nothing to say and just goes back into his apartment. I don't know if he was trying to break in, or just rip down my signs again, but the f*cker is creepy as hell. He is exactly what I think those former Stasi types would look like.

Let's see as a Targeted Individual, I know better than to waste time with the police. I no longer trust them after my experiences with trying to get the Gang Stalking stopped. The last time I tried to file a report with them, if you recall they were kind enough to twist the details. At the same time, the snitch needs to be put on a very short lease. I really find it offensive that these people get away with this stuff. I would not doubt if the loser came up with a story of how he was out for an innocent stroll, when I just magically decided to open the door at the same time and start yelling at him. I am sure that these people, are are as creepy as they were in East
Germany, or worst.

I don't want to make too light a deal of this, because I am pretty sure they use mentally disturbed people, and he may well in time prove to be one of these types of people, but at the same time, I don't want to blow it out of proportion either. Who knows if he will wonder to any other doors in future, maybe actually break into an apartment in future. Then again they all cover for each other so I wonder if it would even matter, if a snitch commits a crime against another snitch is it really a crime? Finding the right balance, protecting myself, society and punishing creepy Stasi losers.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

United we stand?

Why you won't win.

Religion vs Religion
Race vs Race
Rich vs Poor
Male vs Female
Ethnicity vs Ethnicity
Political view vs Political View

The above are some of the common categories that people have separated themselves into throughout time, and will continue to separate themselves into. For some strange reason humans have a need to divide and oppress. These systems always need to keep one group below another. Keeping people fighting each other so they don't turn into the real enemy, or the real problems.

Humans for some reason seem to have a difficult time without it. They have some pipe dream that if they can just be one group or another group together things will be ok, but history has shown that is hardly ever the case.

When you had first nations people, they battled amongst each other. Tribes in Africa battled against each other. Europeans battled against each other, Asians and other groups the same thing.

Then some people think well if we could just have a separation of races again things would be ok, but they won't. People always find reasons to hate and oppression one another. When it is not race vs race, it's ethnicity vs ethnicity. When it's not this it's Rich vs Poor. When these options are not available they use religion. If religion is not available then you often have politics, one party vs another. In a society where none of these factors are an issue, you often then have a society where it's male vs females and a culture where women are often dominated by men. History has shown us this, yet people still think that if they can just separate it will all be ok, but it never is. People always have to find a reasons to hate and oppress each other.

They always seek reasons to put others down. If none of these above factors are available, they would use hair and eye color to discriminate, or skin tones. People always find reasons to not get along, and to try to make others feel inferior. It's a historical fact. You have witch trials, Inquisitions, political turmoil, race wars, revolutions. There have been few if any societies in history that got along without any of these factors being a significant part of their history, growth and development.

People see problems in society and they always try to find a reason for it. Oh it's the democrats, liberals, name your political party. It's those religious nuts, or it's one religion that is responsible for the problems in society. In other cases they look to race as the answer to the problems. In other cases male vs female and if we only had a more female oriented world. The truth is these natural oppositions are often used and exploited by the rulers in society to keep the people in their place where they belong. Not trusting, not getting along, and dependent on structures that are often oppressive to the people living in them.

The truth even though you won't believe it. We are spiritual beings. We come here to have various experiences. You will likely be male and female in your various incarnations. You will likely practice many religions, marry many different people if you marry at all. You will likely be many different races, have various political views, and ethnicity's. You will even have various eye, hair and skin hues. Your goal will be to try to attain growth. Many never do, it all depends on what you came to this plane to experience or what you came here to do. There is one song, and we are all just notes, which change from time to time, but we are all apart of the same one song. Most never tune into this, and in our societies most probably don't even believe it, and the more things go wrong, the more they try to find the answers by looking at our differences than our similarities.

On a purely physical level, the divisions in society are used and developed to keep people apart, to keep them not trusting each other and to make it harder for them to come together to over throw the ruling classes. By keeping us at each others throats arguing about the micro problems of society, we don't focus on the macro the real big things that might actually bring change.
Some will spend their whole life focused on one little spec of existence, one little problem and they will never see the bigger picture. I have been lucky to have a glimpse and I realise that the change that we all so ferverently desire will not be achieved at this level. The change that we desire is something deeper, and to attain it we must be in tune with higher frequencies. We need to go after those greater laws, rules, universal truths, but many in one life phase will never grow out of what they were taught and live in that one sphere and never break out of it, and therefore never attain full growth, truth, which can bring about the changes we all seek and desire. Many can never let go enough to see outside the boxes that we have been placed in.

A lot of people feel that there are things wrong with the world, and gather to discuss what is wrong. You can see the various groups across the Internet, and in each group you can see some very consistent and repeating patterns, and you begin to realise that it's not going to change on this level. This is a good level to become aware of the world and that there are some problems in the world, but many fall short of looking for the bigger picture. They find one answer, or stop at one leg of the journey, get comfortable and never keep searching for greater truth or enlightenment.

I have learnt a lot about the world and society over the last few years via research, and my targeting. A lot of what goes on in society is deliberately planned, or set up. Very little happens outside of a control mechanism. The various little groups online mirror their offline counterparts and you begin to see how staged things truly are. You you realise that much of what you see being played out in the forums are getting played out in real life, that is also another reason why things don't change. The house is stacked towards the system for a reason, and the more we play their games, the greater chance we have of losing, and never bringing about the changes so many of us desire and hope for in society.

United we stand, divided they fall.

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Letting the hate all hang out.

Letting the hate all hang out.

I have been doing little things to fight back recently. The informants are still trying to mess with every aspect of my life, I find them disgraceful, I find the society disgraceful, because it allows such.

I have a client who is long over due paying some funds, but refuses to as instructed by the informant force. I have rallied back with revoking business services till payment is rendered. Now the informant force are doing everything they can to try to get me to bend on this matter. They seem to think that if they just keep messing with my life I will suddenly bend, and see things their way. Keep trying away, it just makes me more determined, I hate to watch such people triumph over others. Their actions remind me of specific cases that I have heard where they (the controlled courts) give a child to a known pedophile because the pedophile is one of theirs and the other parent was not cooperating with them, or refused to put up with abuse anymore. I have heard cases such as this, they truly are vermin and this system truly is corrupt. It's disgusting, but this system does not care about morals, it cares only about compliance and ownership of people.

Anyways I have been doing little things lately like filing complaints about every thing that they do, the same way they give us no room, we must do the same thing back to them into a corner the same way they would us. I don't mean for targets to become hate filled people, but to sit back and watch injustice day after day is a little too much for the human soul.

Yesterday I let some of that hate hang out. I have been trying to not be a hate filled person. I have been trying to do the right thing, to remember to rise above the hate, but they really deserve what they get. I can't feel sorry for them, because I realise that this is ongoing because so many people are complacent with it. Just like the abuse of children and those societies that kept it secret, and I am disgusted. Just because this system has always been like this does not mean that it should continue to be like this, and just because the silence you now keep is similar to the silence people kept about the mafia at one point, not talking about it, or denying it's existence, does not mean it has to always be like this. I realise that people have the ability to change this if they want to, but currently they are not choosing to, and that just makes me angry.

I am a pretty nice person, but how long day in day out can you watch injustice before you become truly disgusted and truly hateful? I really try to remember not to become hateful, because that's another trap that I absolutely don't want to fall into.

So yesterday I let the hate all hang out. I wrote down everything that I was feeling about the
informants and how I hoped they would pay for all the horrors they have caused. I hoped and I wished that the worst things would happen to them. I know that's just so opposite to what Christianity teaches, but I am human and they really are making themselves worthy of my despise. I wrote for like 15 minutes straight, and it felt good. I just let the hate all hang out, and it was like an enema for my soul, it just released all the bad negative, hateful things that I had been hanging on to, trying to not let myself surrender to. I let it all out and it's not mine anymore. (Well it's a work in progress. One just logged onto my computer and I just let them have it. I really do think that they are vermin, and I really don't like them, but I have to rise about it.)

I woke up this morning and I felt so much better. Yesterday I followed up my release with catching up on some of the websites, and contacting some lawyers. (Whenever I start emailing lawyers oddly enough my emails stop working, or I don't hear back.) I believe that since the ACLU has acknowledge that investigations are happening on innocent citizens, and they can go on for some time, with no one taking responsibility that targets have a better chance of using this to get legal help. See they don't like it when we get legal help, or start to try to take legal action, so I believe this is the way to go. They also do whatever they want till you smack them back. Everytime they have gotten out of line, and I have taken direct action, they have fallen back. So be it reporting them repeatedly for things I can report them for, or documenting any noise, better to record, document, then report, it's stopped. See if there is any chance that they will be caught or discovered they fall back. They are like those people who wear masks to commit their evil deeds and if they are unmasked or if there is the chance that they will be unmasked they don't like that, so you have to use what you can against them.

These people are so funny, they would be the first to pretend that they are doing something for the betterment of society, but they are the most hateful people. They say hi in the hallways, but make sure to record every move you make, and they work with those who would try to come into our homes and poison our food, or do other destructive things. (I will never forget the story of the women who found that they had messed with her child's diabetic medication.) See people are quick to target people who say things out loud. It's popular to target extremist sites or what they call hate sites, but over the last three years, I have not met anything so hateful as these people. They pull their hate crap on the down low. They pretend to be good citizens, they pretend that we have some kind of normal society, that it's not some twisted freakish mess, that harbors a creepy secret. They pretend that they are decent, but if you look at what they allow to happen to Targeted Individuals at every level of society, they are the truly hateful ones, they are just good at masking it.

I have made some peace with the fact that the world has been like this for some time, I am clear on this fact, and I don't dwell on it. This has been going on for generations, this is not new, only my awareness of it. However I refuse to be accepting of people and their complacency. I will not accept that anymore than I accept people who are complacent with letting little kids get hurt and harmed. Society is like this, because it's been allowed to be like this. Sure many would like to do something to change this, but many others are so comfortable with the way things are. They protect the system and that is why this remains. It's not because they don't know, it's because they are all too aware, and they know what can happen if they try to interfere with the system. Also many don't want to interfere, they like it, it gives vermin power they would not have in any decent functioning society.

People think it's wrong to say hateful things, and they are quick to target so called extremist sites, but I like my extremism where I can see it. I think sometimes having a place or being able to let it all hang out can be a good thing. I think in fact if we did not have places where people could let it all hang out, we might have bigger problems in society. I know for me, getting it all out helped, I feel cleansed. I think in some ways when you try to suppress people, or they feel that they can't say what they wish you potentially create more problems than you solve. I am not saying let free flowing hate go unchecked, but I am starting to realise that sometimes being open where we can see and be negative just might solve a lot more problems than they create in society. For me there is nothing more hateful and creepy right now, than the good citizens of the society who are in league with evil. They go along willingly in some cases unwilling in others with what is happening to thousands of people. It's so gross. They pretend to be good, to have some kind of morals, but it's a joke. Because they know what's happening and they go along with it to protect themselves and this system. They smile pretend to be good, but work in conjunction for evil. I finally just got disgusted, because it is hypocritical.

We lie and we pretend that our society is not doing what others have done in the past, and it's not acceptable. We like to bury our heads in the sad, enacting draconian laws about what people can say, and think, but then on an underlying hidden level, we commit all this true evil, and just because it's not open we then get to think and pretend that we are good, but we are not.

This targeting has given me some real perspective. Right now I am prayerful again. I don't want to let hate become who I am, I have come too far, but it's good to recognise this aspect, and that's why I have to focus on finding ways to overcoming such a hateful and destructive system.

I am saddened by much of what I have seen, by much of what I now understand about society and how it really functions. Yet I also know that we must retain hope. Change can happen but not if people are in denial or happy with the way that things are. Change will only happen if people understand and acknowledge that there is a problem. Till then the usual suspects will just continue to be sacrificed to the system, and much of society will go about their business with a
pretend blind eye, hoping that their turn never comes.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Crime, Cover Up, Conspiracy, Collusion. agewanted=print

I hate talking about these types of stories but they have to be discussed, the report says the sexual abuse of the boys was "“endemic.”

[quote]Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people:[/quote]

It was happening all throughout the system.

[quote]1930s to the 1990s, when the last of the institutions closed.[/quote]

This happened for over 60 years. For 60 long years thousands of abuses and it was again kept quite, by a community, a church, a society.

[quote]It exposes for the first time the scope of the problem in Ireland, as well as how the government and the church colluded in perpetuating an abusive system. The revelations have also had the effect of stripping the Catholic Church, which once set the agenda in Ireland, of much of its moral authority and political power. [/quote]

See it was not just the church that covered this up but the government, the government that is suppose to protect it's citizens help in colluding the investigation and in covering this atrocity up. You see these scenarios time and time again. This was a society that kept this secret, and for those who did try to get it exposed, it was kept quite, time and time again, by those who were in a position of trust and authority.

[quote]Some 30,000 children were sent to such places over six decades, the report says, often against their families’ wishes and because of pressure from powerful local priests. They were sent because their families could not afford to care for them, because their mothers had committed adultery or given birth out of wedlock, or because one or both of their parents was ill, drunken or abusive. They were also sent because of petty crime, like stealing food, or because they had missed school. [/quote]

Again we see a target population of the poor and the powerless, who could ill afford to go up against the church.

[quote]“Punching, flogging, assault and bodily attacks, hitting with the hand, kicking, ear pulling, hair pulling, head shaving, beating on the soles of the feet, burning, scalding, stabbing, severe beatings with or without clothes, being made to kneel and stand in fixed positions for lengthy periods, made to sleep outside overnight, being forced into cold or excessively hot baths and showers, hosed down with cold water before being beaten, beaten while hanging from hooks on the wall, being set upon by dogs, being restrained in order to be beaten, physical assaults by more than one person, and having objects thrown at them.”

Some of the schools operated essentially as workhouses. In one school, Goldenbridge, girls as young as 7 spent hours a day making rosaries by stringing beads onto lengths of wire. They were given quotas: 600 beads on weekdays and 900 on Sundays.

Girls were routinely sexually abused, often by more than one person at a time, the report said, in “dormitories, schools, motor vehicles, bathrooms, staff bedrooms, churches, sacristies, fields, parlors, the residences of clergy, holiday locations and while with godparents and employers.” [/quote]

Thousands of innocent children at the hands of these animals, these abusers. The worst part is you see these patterns repeating themselves, not just in Ireland, or even just the Catholic Church.

[quote]“While horrific, widespread reports of abuse and cover-up are sadly quite common, the significance here is that a government panel is conclusively saying that the finger-pointing and blame-shifting and excuse-making of the church hierarchy is bogus,” he said in an interview.
The commission was formed in 2000, after an explosive series of radio programs and documentaries in the 1990s began exposing a terrible secret that had been kept by an entire society: the details of what went on in the children’s homes. In 1999, Bertie Ahern, then the prime minister, issued a blanket apology to the victims of the abuse. [/quote]

Exposing the terrible secret that had been kept by an entire society. See societies can keep secrets, and in this case the secret affected it's most pure, it's most vulnerable, but they still kept the secret and protected the system.

The creepy part as usual is you have the public outrage, you have the investigation into this, which I don't think had any choice but to find the church guilty, but you also have what I see consistently, the church and the perpetrators getting off scott free. There names were protected because the church, which is just oh so sorry for what happened to the children, sued the state to protect the names and identities of the abusers. Many of them will never pay for what they did to these children.

[quote]“The report is significant in that it provides a detailed anatomy of how the abuse occurred and the institutions in which it occurred,” he said in an interview. “The problem is that you spend almost 10 years and who knows how much money, and you never get to the point of saying who was responsible.” [/quote]

If the other pattern that I am use to seeing is consistent, it will also mean that over the 60 year time period, many of these men will have moved into top positions of power, because this is also a constant pattern with abusers, they don't pay for their crimes, they move into increasingly greater positions of power, and thus they can cover up the crimes and protect themselves and their fellow abusers. It's a consistent pattern.

This is why many things that we might call conspiracy do not come out, it is often not just the people doing the abuses that are keeping quite, but it is those around them who are aware of the abuses but who do nothing and continue to protect the system. If these people will keep this type of secret, which violated the innocent, and protected a system that was instrumental in their degradations and violations, then can we expect anymore from society when it comes to being targets of Gang Stalking or other forms of government torture and harassment?

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

The war on terror. A lie and well.

The war on terror. A lie and well.

We have yet another terrorist plot foiled by those brave heroic police stopping more terrorists. What I have noticed is that all these terrorist plots that are foiled, have a informant (snitch) somewhere in the middle. The plots in Canada and the U.S. have all been the same. Even the London bombing has some questions that need to be answered.

Let's look at this latest plot in a little bit more detail. We have four recent converts to Islam, all or most converted while in jail. Though this kind of conversion does happen, we have to question if any of these men were informants who were made or asked to convert to the religion for what would come next. What we do know for sure is that none of these men grew up in the Muslim faith. So we don't know what inspired them to convert to the religion in the first place, or if they were forced as part of a jailhouse agreement.

[quote]The suspects - three U.S.-born citizens and one Haitian immigrant - at least three of whom were said to be jailhouse converts to Islam, were angry about the deaths of Muslims in Afghanistan, sources told The News.[/quote]

Wow were not the London bombers angry about something similar?

When did these jailhouse conversions happen? Three guys who are jailhouse coverts just happened to find each other, plus one other. I mean think of how many Muslims there are in the world, but three guy who just happen to covert in jail end up hanging out with each other and plotting terror on America and a Jewish Synagogue? Remember these are men who grew up in America and were born there. Again all of them had been in jail and were out, so we really need to look at what their crimes were and if they were informants when they got out of jail. If so that puts a different spin on this case.

The next part, which I love, is that there is another informant at the heart of this so called terror plot. A plot to make believe that the threat of terror is still very real, and that we need the money to keep flowing. The people are not all that stupid. Some are, but many are waking up to the reality that portions of this war on terror need to be questioned.

[quote]Sources said the four men were arrested after a year-long investigation that began when an informant connected to a mosque in Newburgh said he knew men who wanted to buy explosives.[/quote]

An informant started the investigation, just like all the other investigations. Might we all ask how did the informant find out that the men wanted to buy explosives? Did he perhaps encourage them to do so, or did his handlers point out the recent coverts? Remember during Cointelpro the FBI had 25% or more of the Klan were FBI agents or informants, those members are usually the ones who carried out the violence against the civil rights movement, or who were agitated to by the informants.

[quote]Church Committee hearings and internal FBI documents revealed that more than one quarter of all active Klan members during the period were FBI agents or informants. 44

However, Bureau intelligence "assets" were neither neutral observers nor objective investigators, but active participants in beatings, bombings and murders that claimed the lives of some 50 civil rights activists by 1964. 44

Bureau spies were elected to top leadership posts in at least half of all Klan units. 45

Needless to say, the informants gained positions of organizational trust on the basis of promoting the Klan's fascist agenda. Incitement to violence and participation in terrorist acts would only confirm the infiltrator's loyalty and commitment.Unlike slick Hollywood popularizations of the period, such as Alan Parker's film, "Mississippi Burning," the FBI was instrumental in building the Ku Klux Klan in the South,"...setting up dozens of Klaverns, sometimes being leaders and public spokespersons. Gary Rowe, an FBI informant, was involved in the Klan killing of Viola Liuzzo, a civil rights worker. He claimed that he had to fire shots at her rather than 'blow his cover.' One FBI agent, speaking at a rally organized by the Klavern he led, proclaimed to his followers, 'We will restore white rights if we have to kill every negro to do it.'" 46[/quote]

This was back in the 1960 when they were not half this organized. It's no 35 years later. Do you think that much has changed? Do you think these organizations have stopped using terror to get their point across, or using informants to infiltrate these groups, and to incite violence when it suites their needs?

[quote]Officials say the arrests follow a year-long undercover investigation by the joint terrorism task force, which is comprised of agents from the FBI, NYPD and state police.
The U.S. attorney's office says James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen have all been charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and conspiracy to acquire and use anti-aircraft missiles.[/quote]

With the history of Cointelpro and government agencies often being the one's carrying out the terror, you have to ask yourself if any if not all of these men were converts for a reason, and how big a role did the informant play to continue the war or terror?

[quote]Investigators say an undercover informant provided the suspects with an inactive missile and inert explosives.

"The bombs had been made by the FBI technicians. They were totally inert. No one was at risk or in danger of being injured this evening," said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.[/quote]

So the informant supplied everything the men would need for the fake attack that was never going to happen. This is similar to the fact that in almost every other case I can think of, an informant is at the heart of making the suggestions, getting the manure for the bombs, or in this case the explosives. It's always the informant making the initial suggestion, then getting the pigeons to agree, then suggesting what they should by, and then disappearing when it comes time for the arrest.

It's the same thing case after case after case. Even the bombs were manufactured by the FBI in this case.

[quote]The undercover informant who promised to arm them posed as a member of Jaish-e-Mohammed, an anti-India Pakistani group with connections to Al Qaeda, said Joseph Demarest, assistant director of the New York FBI field office.

"This shows the real risks we face from homegrown terror and jailhouse converts, and the need for constant vigilance," said Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.). [/quote]

No to be completely honest with you, this shows more and more the lengths that agencies are potentially willing to go to to keep the phony war on terror going.

This war has served to keep people bound and scared. It's served to keep them powerless and the fear has been used to control them. The terror stops when people start asking questions, thinking critically, and stop letting others enslave them via fear.

I do agree that constant vigilance is needed, but I believe what we should watch out for is histories tendency to repeat itself. These constant terror threats are designed and I believe manufactured to keep you scared and powerless, that is what needs to be watched and kept a close eye on.

For those who care about freedom, you should be asking a few questions, starting with the role that the informant played. How recent were these jailhouse conversions? How much time did they spend in jail, and was their conversion a part of the condition for their release? You have to ask the questions, because the same scenarios are coming up time and time again.

[quote]While the bombs these terrorists attempted to plant tonight were - unbeknownst to them - fake, this latest attempt to attack our freedoms shows that the homeland security threats against New York City are sadly all too real and underscores why we must remain vigilant in our efforts to prevent terrorism," Bloomberg said.[/quote]

These terror plots at least work better than the low flying airplanes over New York City. Till people wake up to the possibility, then the terror will live on, and you will consistently be enslaved by your fears.

People need to take their power back, and stop living in fear, stop letting these so called terror plots happen without asking questions. The people have the power to take back their freedom, to live without fear.

Please read the following story.

How Corporate Provacateurs Made Fran Trutt an “Animal Rights Terrorist”

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eugenics and Targeted Individuals

This is just a quick update of a much longer post what does it mean to be a Targeted Individual. The only thing of warning I wanted to update is that for the females out there, because of the nature of the targeting and what they are trying to achieve you might get more Electronic, microwave, or x-ray radiation slightly before and during your cycle culmination, (menstruation). So be on your guard and it might not be a bad idea to make sure that your shielding is enforced during these periods.

The goals might be multifaceted. Along with the eugenics aspect, the secondary goal might be to induce cancers or other kinds of conditions of ill health. Trying to find out more on the agenda of this.

The Tuskegee experiment was not just an experiment, it's a prevailing attitude the government has about it's right to experiment on the general population, but more importantly who it can get away with experimenting on.

Remember that program ran for 50 years and everyone had knowledge about it all the way up to the Surgeon General.

[quote]To ensure that the men would show up for a painful and potentially dangerous spinal tap, the PHS doctors misled them with a letter full of promotional hype: “Last Chance for Special Free Treatment.” The fact that autopsies would eventually be required was also concealed. As a doctor explained, “If the colored population becomes aware that accepting free hospital care means a post-mortem, every darky will leave Macon County…” Even the Surgeon General of the United States participated in enticing the men to remain in the experiment, sending them certificates of appreciation after 25 years in the study.[/quote]

What get's me about this is people are always saying if conspiracies were happening, someone would talk about it, someone would say something, well for 50 years, no one did. It was not just a few people who knew about this experiment, but so self righteous were they in their objective, that they put aside the humanity of these people and went on with the experiment, trusting in the prevailing racial attitudes of the time that these men, their families and children would be of a lesser value, a lesser people. The people who took part in the behind the scenes experimentation were both black and white.

[quote] It takes little imagination to ascribe racist attitudes to the white government officials who ran the experiment, but what can one make of the numerous African Americans who collaborated with them? The experiment's name comes from the Tuskegee Institute, the black university founded by Booker T. Washington. Its affiliated hospital lent the PHS its medical facilities for the study, and other predominantly black institutions as well as local black doctors also participated. A black nurse, Eunice Rivers, was a central figure in the experiment for most of its forty years. The promise of recognition by a prestigious government agency may have obscured the troubling aspects of the study for some.

A Tuskegee doctor, for example, praised “the educational advantages offered our interns and nurses as well as the added standing it will give the hospital.” Nurse Rivers explained her role as one of passive obedience: “we were taught that we never diagnosed, we never prescribed; we followed the doctor's instructions!” It is clear that the men in the experiment trusted her and that she sincerely cared about their well-being, but her unquestioning submission to authority eclipsed her moral judgment. Even after the experiment was exposed to public scrutiny, she genuinely felt nothing ethical had been amiss.

One of the most chilling aspects of the experiment was how zealously the PHS kept these men from receiving treatment. When several nationwide campaigns to eradicate venereal disease came to Macon County, the men were prevented from participating. Even when penicillin was discovered in the 1940s—the first real cure for syphilis—the Tuskegee men were deliberately denied the medication. During World War II, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were consequently ordered to get treatment for syphilis, only to have the PHS exempt them. Pleased at their success, the PHS representative announced: “So far, we are keeping the known positive patients from getting treatment.” The experiment continued in spite of the Henderson Act (1943), a public health law requiring testing and treatment for venereal disease, and in spite of the World Health Organization's Declaration of Helsinki (1964), which specified that “informed consent” was needed for experiment involving human beings.[/quote]

So here we have doctors, nurses and a zillion others, who were all aware, all covering up, and all keeping it quite, all proud of what they were doing, no moral authority, no outrage, and even when the truth came out, they felt that they had done nothing wrong, or that they were just following orders.

What really stands out to me, that I discovered recently is that in 1976 Gay men in New York/San Francisco were offered free Hepatitis B vaccines. The thing that really struck me is that on those posters they used this slogan.

[quote]Last Chance for gay men to join the Hepatitis B* Vaccine Program![/quote]
This happened in 1976? Just 4 years after they had to stop the Tuskegee experiment. Plus the usual investigations into their wrong doings, which never amounts to anything. What stands out are the similarities with the slogans and the "last chance for free vaccination" line, vs "Last Chance for Special Free Treatment."

[quote]Unlike most Americans, Africans are aware of the man-made theory of AIDS, and the possibility that the WHO's extensive vaccine programs in Africa in the 1970s are connected to the severe outbreak of AIDS in the early 1980s.

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world's most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, "Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus." The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a "dormant" AIDS virus infection on the continent.

Many people allude to the fact that AIDS started in the gay community, and many of the people who had undergone the special Hepatitis B Vaccination program were the first to come down with AIDS. Also the African AIDS is said to have started after the American outbreak, with people taking part in similar vaccination programs coming down with AIDS first.

If this is true, it would mean these types of experimentation's that were prevalent and condoned by the U.S. government for over 50 years, might have just continued on in a different form with a different virus. Again going after targeted communities where they felt that their actions would far outweigh the consequences based on who was being targeted. Those attitudes have not changed significantly, when it comes to experimentation's as we saw with MK Ultra and other such programs.

There are a large number of females, ethnic minorities targets in the Targeted Individual community. As the post goes on to say the reason for the more women than men, might have a eugenic aspect to it. They might be simply trying to make sure that you can not give birth to the next generation of independent free thinkers, and thus free people. It's no accident that there is a multi-generational aspect to the targeting.

I thought it was important enough and so I would update you on it.


[quote]"For some reason, there are considerably more women targeted than men. Why would women be targeted at a much higher percentage than men? This is another question we may never have the answer for, so this is partially speculation. But one possible answer is that the elite have sponsored eugenics projects worldwide for decades. Removing fertile females from a target population is apparently a standard eugenics procedure. Families such as DuPont, Harriman, & Rockefeller have funded projects for population control.

“It was John D. Rockefeller III who was appointed by Richard Nixon as chairman of the newly created Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” stated Allen. He quotes Rockefeller as saying, “Rather than think of population control as a negative thing, we should see that it can be enriching.” Allen contends, “Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family.”[/quote]

If you are a chic and you are targeted, expect them to try to fry, microwave your reproductive organs, and if you are lucky enough to still be able to get pregnant after that, then expect them to try to go after your child in-utro. If you are pregnant, my suggestion, don’t mention it. If they have not already tried to destroy your reproductive organs, or unborn, then don’t give then reason to.

The thing about being female is you carry all the eggs you will ever have, and if they do fry and destroy what you have, that might be it, well expect for cloning ofcourse.

If you are a guy, expect them to go after the nether regions, luckily guys can reproduce from scratch and it won’t mess up your reproductive organs, unless they use the radioactive stuff like they did in East Germany.

Still you are better off being a guy than a female when it comes to this aspect of the targeting.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spying on innocent people.

Quick update.

An article came out from the ACLU last month. They talk about investigations of innocent people. Here is a quote from the article.

April 30th, 2009

Posted by Samuel Milgrom, Washington Legislative Office at 5:01 pm

[quote]Mass Con-Fusion

You mean to tell me that it is legal for corporations from the private sector to team up with local law enforcement officials in efforts to spy on innocent members of our society? You also mean to tell me that the synthesis of law enforcement authority and the drive of for-profit companies operate under little to no guidelines or restrictions and it is unclear to whom they are responsible to?

This is exactly what we have been saying. Also this was first reported over 12 years ago, even before fusion centers were in existence.

[quote]"Ruling the community with an iron fist. “Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.” Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.” [/quote]

See they listed the full spectrum of what was happening. Informant, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, federal agencies, and we have only seen this grow and get worst.

Also yes, there are little to no guidelines, and yes it's not clear who they report to. This is because each little area does it's own thing, just like terrorist cells.

So now that we are all on the same page, let's start to find out what can be done, before they start making people wear arm bans ok.

The surveillance apparatus is working, but it's working separate angles so you won't see the full program till it's all in place. Different areas are seeing different implementations and they just won't get it.

Here are some articles of note.

[quote] ilot-program/Default.aspx 30/2009 08:15 PMQuote:NYPD Announces New Stop And

Frisk Pilot Program

By: NY1 News

After accusations of racial profiling, the New York City Police Department told the City Council Thursday that it is trying out a new Stop and Frisk program in certain neighborhoods.
On the advice of the RAND Corporation, the department is now giving an explanation to pedestrians that officers stop in Harlem, the South Bronx, and East New York.

Anyone who is stopped by police in those neighborhoods will receive a palm card detailing the officers' motives.[/quote]

After they get this normalised in these communities, they will spread this to other communities, till you all have to show your papers upon request. The best way to fight this, stop it before it happens. If it's not acceptable for these communities, then it's not acceptable for yours, by sitting back and giving your quite accent and saying that it is, you ensure your own fate.

[quote] NYPD
Accused of Racial Profiling in Subway Bag Searches The NYCLU filed a lawsuit yesterday on behalf of a Brooklyn man who says the NYPD has stopped him in the subway and searched his bag an excessive number of times because he looks Middle Eastern. 32-year-old Jangir Sultan was born in Brooklyn, where he currently resides, but he accuses NYPD officers of racial profiling, stopping him 21 times over three years. Police began searching subway riders' bags at checkpoints in 2005 in the wake of the London subway bombings, but the department insists the checks are race-neutral and conducted randomly. [/quote]

Once they take those rights they never give them back. Once they scare you, and you give up your rights, you never get them back.

The way this guy got the harassment to stop was by taking down the names of the officers and filing a complaint. Other wise they would have just continued. They are all the same, little bully attitudes. If you video tape them, document them, or report them, it's the only time that they fall back into where they came from. We see the same thing with the Informant force that harass us. That or in some cases just ignore them, different situations call for different approaches.

There is lot's more news, but this is the need to know stuff.

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Dedicated to all those who would keep silent.

Dedicated to all those who would keep silent.

In the democracy, they came first for the Extremists, but I did not say anything because I was not an extremist.

Then they came for the conspiracy theorists and the denialists, but I did not say anything because I was not a conspiracy theorist or a denialist.

Then they came for a the Targeted Individuals, but again I did not say anything because I was not a Targeted Individual.

Then they came for the outspoken and some of the Christians, but I did not say anything then either, because I was not outspoken or a Christian.

Then they came for me, and by this time there was no one left to speak.


The poem is written by a Targeted Individual, it's a rework of the original Martin Niemoller poem, and it's written with the hope of waking up this current generation before it is once again too late.

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Next Distraction

Bored Now.

Wake me up when the fake pandemic is over with. Oh wait it looks like it might be time. Yeah,
I call it a fake pandemic because I knew the media was really pushing this, but I did not know by how much till I came across these articles.

[quote]Questions and Answers Regarding Estimating Deaths from Influenza in the United States
How many people die from flu each year in the United States?

The number of influenza-associated (i.e., flu-related) deaths varies from year to year because flu seasons often fluctuate in length and severity. CDC estimated that about 36,000 people died of flu-related causes each year, on average, during the 1990s in the United States. This figure includes people dying from complications of flu. This estimate came from a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Medication Association (JAMA), which looked at the 1990-91 through the 1998-99 flu seasons [10]. Statistical modeling was used to estimate how many flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate was listed as a respiratory or circulatory disease. During these years, the number of estimated deaths ranged from 17,000 to 52,000.

In 2009, CDC published additional estimates of flu-related deaths comparing different methods, including the methods used in the 2003 JAMA study. The seasons studied included the 1993-94 through the 2002-03 flu seasons [9]. Results from this study showed that during this time period, 36,171 flu-related deaths occurred per year, on average.

How did CDC estimate that an average of 36,000 people die in the U.S. each year from flu?
This statistic came from a 2003 JAMA study by CDC scientists [10]. The study used statistical modeling to estimate that during 9 influenza seasons from 1990-91 through 1998-99, an annual average of 36,000 flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate was listed as a respiratory or circulatory disease. A 2009 study that appeared in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses made a similar estimate for the 10 influenza seasons from 1993 to 2003 [9].

That is 3000 people per month that die of the regular influenza, but here we were getting death con 5 warnings from the CDC or WHO because I think 1 person died in the States? Don't get me wrong, every death matters, but it was a forced scenario and I kept wondering why? Was it just to see how people would react? To distract them from something else? To test the waters for the next big plague? They have spent the last two years trying to whip everyone into a frenzy about Avian Flu. Getting us mentally prepared that a global plague is inevitable. (Only if you make it so.)

They have their vials of Tamil flu ready and waiting, for them to make money, and to what make the public better? Many people question taking flu shots and there is good reason to, but that's another thread.

Does anyone else wonder what the real purpose of this distraction was? I mean people have been predicting it for some time. I have a much over due blog post about it, but it seems like they are going over board with the distractions.

Let's look at the year in review.

First we had the economic collapse. Remember the daily headlines? Economy expected to get worst, could be years before recovery, bleak times ahead, blah, blah, blah. That didn't exactly work. It worked for a time, but I don't think people are in the mood for another great depression.

They recently tried the low flying planes over New York to scare people into submission. It upset people more than scared them, so the Osama fake terror Bin Laden Bogeyman is not working like it use to, but they do keep trying.

Then we had plague the next distraction, and that also does not seem to have worked. I think people are just tired of it. I know I am.

Oh also is anyone else wondering how Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Human Influenza, came together, and the combination came from 2 different continents?

[quote]EVERY Media source is leading with “Swine Flu” or “Swine Influenza”… Why? Or Why should anyone care?

Well, if you dig a little bit, you will find that the influenza outbreak in Mexico City and the US are a mutation of FOUR Viruses form THREE Continents… AND…

Creates a very “novel” strain that is not SWINE FLU… it is HUMAN-Avian-Swine-Flu!
It Is The Feared BIRD FLU Mutated to HUMANS and is being passed Human to Human… that is WHY it should not be dismissed as “JUST” another Swine Flu… because it is not!

And more IMPORTANT is Where and How did this thing Evolve and End Up in Mexico City? See my posts on the Baxter Cover-up that involves the World Health Organization…
The Avian Swine Flu Strain Created in the Lab[/quote]

[quote]No Surprise: Flu Virus a Mixture of Swine, Human, and Avian Virus TypesWhen what is now called a “swine flu” was first reported last week to be infecting, and killing some people in Mexico, health officials noted it was a strain of flu never before seen. In fact, it is technically incorrect to call this simply a “swine” flu. Analyses showed it’s a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Also, it is genetically different from the fully human H1N1 seasonal influenza virus that has been circulating globally for the past few years. After a review of the evidence, there is one conclusion: the new flu virus contains DNA from avian, swine viruses (including elements from European and Asian viruses) and human viruses.

So did this curious mixture just develop naturally, out of the blue? Is it the result of inhumane farming practices, as the Humane Society of the United States ( has suggested, that exposes immune-compromised pigs to all sorts of animal and human feces?

Well, maybe. But let’s go back and look at the facts to see if any other scenario could be possible.
First of all, there’s the troublesome detail that the virus has elements that come from multiple continents. Then there’s the fact that true swine flu is only rarely transmissible to humans — this flu is spreading human-to-human, most likely because it contains DNA from human flu.
Could someone have deliberately mixed these viruses together? Is that possible? Absolutely.[/quote]


Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus

People familiar with biosecurity rules are dismayed by evidence that human H3N2 and avian H5N1 viruses somehow co-mingled in the Orth-Donau facility. That is a dangerous practice that should not be allowed to happen, a number of experts insisted.

Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.

That mixing process, called reassortment, is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created. There is no suggestion that happened because of this accident, however. “We have no evidence of any reassortment, that any reassortment may have occurred,” said Andraghetti. “And we have no evidence of any increased transmissibility of the viruses that were involved in the experiment with the ferrets in the Czech Republic.” [/quote]

Wow live virus samples in that could have incubated and could have become a pandemic virus.

So what's next? Project Blue Beam? Holograms across the globe? Are we going to get a taste of their UFO's? Secret government air craft that they have been keeping a secret just like the stealth boomers?

Who knows what the next distraction will be. What will they use to keep control of the sheep?
What will they do to scare them?

Much like a soap opera, I am starting to loose interest. Thanks to your programing people to have become so attention deficient that they have the attention spans of three year olds, most people have probably also lost interest as well.

Well till it's time for the next distraction.

"And in case I don't see ya.... good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight." The Truman Show.

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