don't have a lot of time to blog right now, but I was online taking care of some things believe it or not, and I came across a thread, which lead me to a post that I felt the need to address. I really didn't want to waste the time, but I felt the need.
What I am going to re-post is pretty well what I posted on my forum.
Ok so I was out on one of my strolls around the Internet. I usually stay away from certain specific people for so many reasons. Anyways I came across a thread that links to these two postings which I will address here and then on my blog. Here are the links. For those of you who don't know. The author is "suppose to be" a top leader for the Gang Stalking Community. addressing the first link I wrote.
Since the above post refers to my website, then I think it's important to address the attacks or issues posted there.
Apparently my site is a poison pill site. The author would know more about poison pills than I would, but I digress. Let me address the comments and meat of the article.
The top two gang stalking techniques are air stalking and brighting because the author of the Gang Stalking World website, fancies a little thing called alphabetical ordering. For those of you who do not know what this means, it means to place items in a list from A-Z.
This means that items that we experience that begin with A will be listed first, then items that begin with B will be listed second and so forth. Hopefully the none targets will have enough common sense to understand the concept of alphabetical listings. If they do not, I am not responsible for human stupidity, contrary to popular beliefs.
Let's go to the young mother with the cellphone. Since we now know that children as young as 8 are being recruited to be Covert Human Intelligence Sources, and the site goes on to back this up with appropriate details, then it should be no problem for the common person to understand the concept of how the stalking takes place.
This way the average person can conceptualise what we mean about the stalking being subtle. I also had this concept from another magazine from several years ago, that showed a picture of a mom with a stroller and her shadow was that of a cop. The picture was done to illustrate what the civilian spies would be like. The concept was a good one then, and in my personal opinion is a good one now. Remember I am not just sitting here daily. I am trying on a continuous bases to bridge the gap between what we experience and what the normal realm has not. I have studied what does and does not work. I have done a great deal to make sure that this does get normalised, and that the actual truth comes out, which is more than I can say for others.
I also wrote and have been meaning to address this issues for some time now, in relationship to the term Gang Stalking.
The term Gang Stalking and why I think it works. When I first came online, there were a lot of terms for what were happening, Gang Stalking, Multi Stalking, Vengeance Stalking, etc, etc.
Over time while I was doing research to try to find out what Gang Stalking was, part of what I tried to do was get the term normalised in society as another website had suggested that we do. This was part of my early activism. I was able by working the search engines to ensure that the term was well placed and became adapted and more accepted in more normal society. I think the only people that the term truly confuses, that I have come across in the last 2 years, are people that are citizen informants who have a specific effort to try to discredit the term. You might get the odd person who is truly confused, but overall, this is a term that many normal people have come to understand. If you change the name, we will and would have had to start all over again. In the middle of trying to get the term normalised, a so called community leader had tried to get the term dropped, and I disagreed with this person and for that reason fought to keep the term alive.
Eg. Imagine if we stopped calling ourselves Targeted Individuals tomorrow and tried for a new term? The same process of normalizing this will begin all over again and that is not good for any movement. I think if anyone that I have come across in the last two years reads the information they understand what this is. Also when People go looking for help outside of the community and go searching in their normal places, they use the term gang stalking, mostly. I find that after two years of a lot of garbage, people in normal circles recognise this term and are able to tell people what to do to get help. I constantly check to see if this is working. I think any attempt to get rid of the term is counter productive for these reason, and I also think this was part of the reason for the attempt by certain parties. That's my feedback on the term Gang Stalking. As for the other matters with the young mother and the terms for what happens to us, I am going to be addressing that.
In addressing the second link I wrote. apparently my site is run by Don Russell? Who the hell is that suppose to be? This is like the time starfish perp said that I was imitating some other guy that I did not know at the time. I really appreciate the methods used. Also I appreciate that they went behind my back. It's all good, what is done in darkness will be revealed in light, sooner or later. The day will come. Sooner than later I hope.
[quote]For example, this site is titled "gangstalking", a term which may sound great at first hearing, but when used in conversations with non-targets, has shown that non-targets consistently think in terms of youth/race/biker/Mafia gangs. [/quote]
Since I actually do know what I am talking about. I get this from time to time believe me. Some will go oh yeah those gang's out there. In my personal experience, this is only from the multitude of civilian informants. The same way they operate offline, they operate online the exact same way. People who actually want to listen, none targets, in my two years of posting on forums, do understand the concept and respond well to the subject matter. (Well now they do.) Also considering that the website on the very front lists this
[quote]Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. The target is followed around and placed under surveillance by Civilian Spies/Snitches 24/7.
The Civilian Spies can be parts of these community oriented policing programs, but most often they are just average citizens. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets life is contacted and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending, monitoring (systemic harassment), which is designed to destroy the target over years and leave them with no form of support. A short and simple definition of gang stalking. What is Gang Stalking?
Gang Stalking is experienced by Targeted Individuals as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. The covert methods used often leave no evidence to incriminate the Civilian Spies.
It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of community Spies organise to stalk and monitor targets 24/7. [/quote]
Again I take no responsibility for human stupidity, or organised citizen informants, or government agents. I think a logical thinking human who is not a perp will understand the concept of what is being said. This site over the last two years for anyone who has been following, has been worked and reworked just so that it can help the average person to understand what we are talking about. When new information comes it's continually worked into the site. Also on the main FAQ page exhibit B
[quote]What are some techniques used against targets?
A few of the most common techniques are listed below.
a) Classical conditioning.
Getting a Targeted Individual sensitized to an everyday stimuli. The targeted individual over a
period of months, or even years is negatively sensitised to an everyday stimuli, which is then used to harass them. It’s used out in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored. Some examples of everyday stimulus that might be used include: sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, loud coughing, loud whistling, loud smacking of clapping of hands together, cell phones, laptops, etc.
b) 24/7 Surveillance This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity. Surveillance Policy.
c) Isolation of said target.
This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. People in the targets community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. Files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.
d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.
Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.
e) Everyday life breaks and street theatre.
Flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action.
It might seem harmless to these Citizen Informants, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc. It's like the death of a thousand paper cuts. One or two minor incidents will not cause any harm to the target, but over time the target is slowly worn down. [/quote]
It lists these as the main symptoms of Gang Stalking. On to the next bit.
[quote]While many of us believe, with good cause, that government is heavily involved, without courtroom quality evidence, a statement like that above is discrediting. [/quote]
Suddenly courtroom evidence is needed? Really? When the same author was sprouting off information about vigilante gangs, where was the court room information then? Right. Also we don't need court room information. We have historical facts, we also have current news articles about how the anti-terror laws are being abused. We have dozens of items about covert government actions. We have Gloria Naylor, and other significant targets who can directly link this with government involvement, yet suddenly we need a courtroom document, really?
Again I have already addressed the mother and the child issue. Not only is this what they really do in real life, but it's a concept image. For anyone who this works. It's a useful tool for bringing the understanding gap, between the targeted and the none targeted.
[quote]"Civilian spies are recruited from every level and sector of society."
"Spies" is a term I would NEVER use to label our perps. Non targets, at this stage in current affairs, are not prepared to think their neighbourhood is full of "spies." To use the term "spies", I suggest, is very likely to draw the you-are-paranoid response from unaware non-targets. [/quote]
Well many people would never call them Stasi either, or Snitches or Citizen Informants, etc. Many people have different labels for the same things. My site uses various labels to help different people understand the concepts better. Over the last two years. I have talked to people. I have researched, and there are lot's of different people who will visit the site, there are lot's of other people who are going to be targeted.
The word spies will appeal to one sort of audience because they understand, oh community spies. Another person will understand, Snitches, cause they come from a community where the stop snitching movement is in full affect and they are familiar with that term. Others will understand the term Stasi because they dealt with this before. Over the last two years I have made every effort to reach a wide variety of audience members, and to ensure than whoever comes to the site, from whichever demographic to get help, they will see terms and read language that is familiar to them. I have done the same thing with the media that I use. I am trying to do this with the flags that were recently added, since I realised that others in others languages do want access to the information. It's not a perfect translation, but it will give more people access to help.
Also in doing research for what is behind Gang Stalking, I encountered a wide variety of articles, some used the term spies, actually quite a few used that term. So again, just like some prefer the term organised stalking, while others prefer community mobbing, and others Gang Stalking, it's all the same term for the same thing, and using a wider variety of terms, reaches a wider audience. To each their own, but my site has helped many people over the years. The site and the blog, because people see images and concepts that they are familiar with, remember my site is about helping targets first and foremost.
Also my site does have a fair bit of history and also current events on how these programs have been used, and who has used them. It's always been the same source, be it Cointelpro, Red Squads, Stasi, etc. I don't know who Don is, and don't care. My site in it's current incarnation will continue to do what it has always done, and that's help people.
Two years ago when I came online looking into what I thought was harassment, then mobbing then gang stalking, there was help, but not truth. I was chasing phantom vigilante groups, and that was one of the popular terms at the time. A term that was being brandied about. I have no doubt that the term gang stalking was originally chosen to spread confusion, but in the last two years. I and some others have worked really hard to bring the truth of this darkness into the light, and I will not let it be overshadowed.
So I will leave this posting by saying to each his or her own. Your instincts have brought you this far, you know that offline there are many that can not be trusted. You know how programs like Cointelpro worked, and if you don't, go read up on them.
I have spent two years learning, you have been there with me for most of that time. I hope you will not let anyone or anything deceive you from the truth of what is really happening to us, and what is really behind this.
Labels: Disinformation, gang stalking, lies, slander, vengence stalking, vigilante stalking