Gang Stalking

A upto date blog about my adventures with gangstalking. This is my way of sharing with the world what gang stalking is really like. Some helpful books. Gang Stalking Books Mobbing Books

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogging Censorship?

I have been meaning to write about this for some time as well.

I recently discovered that there is some sort of filtering happening with my blogs in at least two of the locations where I blog.

This was not a complete shock, but i am disgusted and horrified, if this is the sort of filtering that goes on in democratic countries, then should we really still be calling ourselves democratic?

The first location is a popular forum that also allows for bloggers to post. At the front of this Kick Ass forum, the blog postings are listed one after another. My posting use to appear at the front of this forum, however I now notice that the blog postings no longer appear on the front of this forum. They are still accessible and when you do go to the forums you can access the blogs.

Everyone else who posts to this forum, has their blogs displayed at the front of this forum, but my postings no longer show up, they are being deliberately blocked and filtered out.

The other things that came to my attention is that on my word press blog, specific posts are not showing up, under the tags.

I wrote one post, where I posted Obama's speech called a call to service. I quoted what he said in the speech, made no commentary whatsoever, but I notice that the blog posting does not come up under the tags. At least it did not when I checked.

Case in point.

There is absolutely nothing controversial in this post, nothing negative was said, unless you count his plans for the American people and that you would have to judge for yourself, yet the post has been censored, meaning that when you click on the tag words, the post does not show up, but several of my other posts do, but this one is missing.

The other post that has been blocked is

The Real Fight.

Now this one could be considered controversial, but all I have done is reported the findings of others, and drawn my own conclusions. If the conclusions are wrong or incorrect, then surly this post could not be worthy of being filtered and blocked, but for some reason, when you click on the tags, as I write this, the post does not show up, but my newer post, Pole Shift does, when I click on the same tag.

Why am I blogging? The reason I am blogging in the first place of course, is because I have this crazy notion that I am being Gang Stalked 24/7, and having my private email monitored, along with my computer activity. The fact that I am being followed around 24/7, then I try to blog about it, and suddenly my posts are being filtered on two of the sites where I blog?

That's kind of messed up. If we are so free and democratic, then nothing I say here should make a difference, and if I am not telling the full truth, then it should just be some crazy rambling blog, that is not worthty of being filtered, but that's not the case.

I am also having some weird experiences with specific sites being blocked from my access, but I need more feedback on one specific incident before I blog about it.

I didn't ask to be Gang Stalked, I was going about my own life, minding my own business, the corrupted elements of this society, decided they were going to put me in my place and teach me a lesson, like they have so many other innocent people. Instead of doing something harsh or hostile, I have taken to blogging, a peaceable measure. However telling the truth for corrupted elements does not seem to be a peaceful thing to do. In every time period it would seem, that truth telling by corrupted elements, does not seem to go over very well.

Now I am open to suggestions, so if someone can provide some reason for my posts being blocked from the front of the really kick ass site where I sometimes post, or why some of my wordpress posts seem to be, appear to be getting filtered, I would love to hear it.

Again with the wordpress post, they will show up if you go to the site directly, and in some engines, but when you do a tag search directly from the post, it does not come up under any of the tags listed. Controversial or not, whichat least on of the postings was not, this is still a free society right?

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Pole Shift.

We are hearing a lot about the green house effect, the fact that the earth in some places are getting warmer, and this is due to what we are doing to the earth. We now have eco-cop, or enviro agents, to monitor how much garbage we use in some areas, but is global warming the true culprit for the changes that are coming?

Our scientist do not seem to really be looking into alternative solutions, however many others are looking into other reasons why these changes might be coming upon the earth.
Another theory for the earth changes is that it is a natural phenomenon that has come upon the earth before. A natural phenomenon that is now happening again. There is lot's of proof that in earth recent history we have had the north and south pole shift, and the changes happen very rapidly.

If the pole shift theory is true, then what would happen is that in time areas that were once cool, would become much warmer, but also areas that traditionally were much warmer would become much cooler. We would have a great increase in natural disasters, anywhere from massive earthquakes, tsunamis, tornado's, hurricane's, etc. We could have increased levels of this, or even a scenario such as depicted in the movie the day after tomorrow.

Along with this, the changes in the poles could cause diseases we thought we had dealt with to re-emerge rapidly, due to the changes in temperatures. Today we are seeing the reemergence of a lot of disease we thought we had conquered just 20-40 years ago.

The pole shift would also affect the insects, birds, and mammals. Many of them depend on the earths magnetic pole for directions, if this changes it could cause diseases or even death.
It would also possibly create the end of the world scenarios predicted in the bible. The scenarios
specifically dealing with the increases in earthquakes, famines, disease.

There is evidence that along with proof of global warming, we are also now seeing proof for global cooling.

Global Cooling.

We really don't hear a lot about this in the news because the world is supporting the global warming theory, but there is a lot of proof for global cooling theory as well.

[quote]Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming
Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.[/quote]

See there is evidence for both a global warming and a global cooling. As many have seen over the last couple of years, we have had a huge increase in hurricanes in various places, and that's not the end of the earth's weird weather.

There are other changes that have been happening with nature.
We have had massive die of of some insects, birds falling dead from the sky, fishes dying off, but the little stories seem to be very under reported.

Let's start with the bee die off's. This did make the paper's, because over a billion bees died. There was colony collapse after collapse, and the concern was that if this continued, there would not be enough bees to pollinate some plants. Without this we might have massive food shortages. This has not happened yet, but it's still a concern that they continue to die off in various places.


[quote]Why are bees dying?New suspect found in death of billions of honeybees[/quote]

[quote]Environmental disaster
The death of so many commercial honey bees (apis mellifera) as a result of CCD is considered a looming environmental disaster, because the bees are a vital link in our food chain, responsible for pollinating about a third of all the food crops in human diets.[/quote]


[quote]It's very substantial. We estimate several thousand birds are dead, although we don't have a clear number because of the large areas of bushland" [/quote]

[quote]Dead birds are falling from the sky in Australia for the second time in seven months, raising fears of a possible public health threat.[/quote]

This is something that I don't remember hearing about on the news, but in various places, there have been birds in mid air that have fallen down dead. Just dropped from the sky, or in other cases, their bodies have just been found in the hundreds, or thousands.


[quote]"We looked at 50 localities, including 15 where historically the frogs were always found," he said. "We found two. Not frogs in two places. Two frogs total."

For several years in a row now, similar news of vanishing frogs and toads has come from Australia, Canada, India, Europe, what used to be the Soviet Union, the mountain-hugging rain forest of Central and South America, and most of the western United States. [/quote]


[quote]But this year, almost 8 million fish died in a single day last week, the largest one-day death toll ever recorded in these troubled waters. And that is renewing the controversy over the future of California's largest lake.[/quote]

[quote]Nearly 4 million fish were found dead Wednesday in the Pamlico River just east of Washington.

It was the second large fish kill reported this week in Eastern North Carolina rivers. On Tuesday, an estimated 750,000 dead fish were found in the Neuse River between Otter Creek and Carolina Pines.

The Pamlico River Rapid Response Team is investigating the fish kill near Washington. An estimated 3.9 million menhaden, croakers and spots were floating on a four-mile stretch between Broad Creek and Edgewater Beach. The fish covered nearly three-fourths of the width of the mile-wide river, said Susan Massengale of N.C. Division of Water Quality.
Heather Jacobs said she had never seen a fish kill this large in five years.[/quote]

There are many other articles on millions of fish dying off in various areas.

If you subscribe to the pole shift theory, the explanation is the shift in the magnetic poles, could be affecting the birds and other mammals because they use it for navigational purposes.

"In a polar region there is a continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's rotation acts on these asymmetrically deposited masses [of ice], and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body, and this will displace the polar regions toward the equator."

Albert Einstein From The Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, [...]

Bible (KJV), Joshua 10:13-14

There is lot's of proof that the poles, and magnetic poles have shifted in the past and will again in the future.

[quote]During those periods of time, weakening of the main field reveals "virtual poles," regions of strong magnetism within the shallow core field. For example, Singer says, "If you were on Tahiti when those eruptions were taking place, your compass needle would point to not the North Pole, not the South Pole, but Australia."[/quote]

There is also an astounding amount of evidence that says when this happens it happens very rapidly.Eg. Hundreds of frozen woolly mammoths have been found, frozen solid, in Siberia and North Canada, some were found with grass and buttercups still in their mouths, this suggests, that they were eating during a spring like time frame, and frozen within minutes or hours of that time period.

If a pole shift did happen, it has the potential to change our societies and civilizations in a very short space of time. Even though there is evidence happening now to suggest that this is what could be happen and would explain some of the weird weather and other scenarios, very little has been reported in any main stream media.

For those wishing to do more reading on the subject.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

The real fight.

After doing a lot of research, I see that all paths lead back to the same source.

The real fight is not going to be exposing Gang Stalking. I believe what is happening to us has been exposed, or will be exposed in due time. The bigger picture is what has to be exposed, the real fight is against the system.

After reading over some of Patricia Conti's work. Chasing Phantoms.

I read about her personal investigations into her abductions, and gang stalking. I do now realise that there is more commonality with the phantoms that are being chased than I ever realised.
After listening to the Ramona Lopez's interview and all the other readings I have done about the drug rings, it all goes back to the same source, the same phantom menace.

Gary Webb died, but not before he was able to publish his report called the dark alliance, which showed the the CIA were directly responsible for importing drugs into ethnic minority communities.

Many others have drawn the same conclusions about the government and their involvement into drugs. When a lawyer name Anita E. Bell tried to take on the system, she was forced to flee from one country to the next, after being targeted by the system. She lost her right to practice law, lost her home, her kids were targeted, she fled from America to Canada and eventually fled to Isreal.

All traces of her story seemed to have almost vanished from the Internet over the last year.
After reading about the pedophile rings, not just what was happening in the catholic church, cause that was one small microbe of what happens in the rest of society. I again see that we are chasing the same phantom.

This means that even after the truth comes out, as it did with Senator John W. DeCamp's investigation into who was behind the pedophile ring, nothing will happen, nothing will change. In this story children came forward to say that they had been used as drug mules and for all kinds of weird, kinky sex by high level people. I mean we are talking politicians, people with money, etc.

The investigations were stopped eventually, some kids were thrown in jail, others threatened, went missing, etc. The people who were being accused, eventually went onto higher positions in government, or other prominent careers, only a low level drug dealer was ever convicted for any of this.

When Senator DeCamp investigated this, he found again the same thing, which he documents in his bookthe Franklin Cover up, and he found out the reason nothing get's done, it's all about protecting the system. The innocent will be sacrificed to protect this system.

Those were the last words I spoke with the Judge on the case. I left his chambers, burnt out, but angry. And I forgot all about Billy Budd, until the night I happened upon the movie. The story of Billy Budd is set in the British Navy near the end of the eighteenth century. Billy was a young sailor, who, although impressed into the British Navy, bore no ill will to the authorities for having dragooned him; indeed, he was the very picture of innocence and good-will, and was almost universally loved aboard his war-ship. One officer, however, developed an insane jealousy of Billy, and set out to frame him up for allegedly inciting mutiny. Since there had been several notorious mutinies in the British fleet at the time, the mere whisper of "mutiny" was enough to spread panic among the ship's officers.

To make a long story short, because of certain incriminating appearances in the case, the captain and his senior officers, although they knew Billy was innocent of all charges, nonetheless sentenced him to hang, a necessity - as they viewed it - to "save the system," not just on their own ship, but in the British fleet as a whole.

Now I think I do understand the Franklin case. I know, now, that all the public officials involved in Franklin-whether they ever heard of Billy Budd or not-fully understood what they were doing.

And what they all have done, and will continue to do in this case, Franklin, and no doubt many others like it, is this: Protect the "system" at all costs. The "system" is the only ultimate sacred cow-not any particular law or constitution, but only "the system." Because, ultimately, it is the system which makes certain that the individuals functioning within it - from judges to lawyers, to prosecutors, to politicians, to businessmen - have their places and positions, and opportunities and pecking order, and future.

And, though it is unfortunate, that on occasion the protection of the "system" requires the deliberate sacrifice of perfectly innocent people, that is hoped overall to be the exception rather than the rule. But without the "system" . .

But then I have one final, nagging question. How do I know when, or if, the "system" itself has become so corrupted, that evil is the rule, rather than the exception? And when that occurs, what do I do about it? But I think I know the answer to that one - my oId commanding officer in Vietnam told me what I had to do. I made some promises to Bill, and I intend to keep them.
John DeCamp [/quote]

There was suppose to be a documentary called conspiracy of silence on the discovery channel, in 1994 about this, but the information was pulled, when influential members of congress applied pressure to the cable industry.

Dick Nadeau reveals information about pedophiles in prominent positions in Cornwall, Ontario. He passed away in 2006. Another case where justice will not be rendered.

There was a police officer in this story, Dunlop, he was mobbed out of work, had to move to another provide for trying to do the right thing, so many people in these stories who try to do the right thing, get tortured for trying to do the right thing, for exposing these criminal elements. The sad part is also the fact that the society they are trying help, by exposing this corruption, often does not help or protect them in turn, and it's a shame.

There are other stories, but the same M.O. the more they investigate, people in positions of authority, with power, to pull strings. Many of these investigations go back to government or the church, and those in high level postions.

Gang Stalking, Mind Control, it's all the same things. We are small appendages fighting the same thing. Think of it as an octopus. Eight arms, Each arm corrupt. If you are not seeing the bigger picture, you are fighting one arm of corruption, and another person is fighting a different arm of corruption, but it's all coming from the same beast.

After investigating this for two years, view others and the indepth research that they have done, and my own, in my opinion it's the government.

We in today's society have information about Cointelpro, Mind Control Projects, such as MK. Ultra, where the Canadian government paid out million recently in apology for allowing such atrocities to happen.

[quote]Dr. Ewen Cameron, an American doctor who believed he could erase the memories of patients and rebuild their psyches, was recruited by the CIA to experiment with mind-control techniques beginning in 1950.

Cameron gave patients LSD and subjected them to massive and multiple electroshock treatments. Some underwent sleep deprivation or total sensory deprivation. Others were kept in drug-induced comas for months on end while speakers under their pillows broadcast messages for up to 16 hours a day.

The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA, which also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 U.S. Senate committee.

The CIA eventually settled a class-action lawsuit by test subjects, including Huard, and the Canadian government ordered a judicial report into Cameron's experiments.

The allegations have not been proven in court.

The McGill experiments were jointly funded by the U.S. spy agency and the Canadian government.[/quote]

[quote]A Montreal senior who survived Cold War-era brainwashing experiments picked up a cheque for compensation from the federal government on Tuesday.

Janine Huard, 79, accepted an offer to end her class-action lawsuit against the federal government, which jointly funded the experiments with the Central Intelligence Agency.
The terms of the settlement are confidential, but Huard says it will allow her to live out her days in peace, with some peace of mind.

When Tim Field started to look into what he called collusion behind bullying, he wanted to know what the connection was, between judges, lawyers, tribunals, etc. He died before he could investigate, but not before he was able to formulate a link.

[quote]Many targets of bullying report that they seem to be obstructed every step of the way in their pursuit of justice. The management refuse to investigate, or use an untrained investigator, or whitewash the case. The union refuses to help, or initially shows interest but suddenly changes sides. The solicitor initially shows interest but then starts acting in a manner which suggests they have the other side's interests at heart rather than yours.
The employer's lawyers apply for, and obtain, adjournment after adjournment, then obtain a pre-hearing review which the tribunal chairman handles in favour of the employer. In the tribunal, favour is shown to the respondent (employer) and you get the impression that the verdict has been decided in advance. Your solicitor, the respondent's lawyers and the tribunal chairman seem to know more about your case than you think they should.

After the tribunal you're left with no option but to privately sue the employer, the union, and your solicitor, and appeal the tribunal decision, but by this time you have no job, no income, your savings are gone, so is your health, maybe your marriage too, and there's no prospect of ever being employed again, especially in the professions.

Sound familiar? If so, you might be surprised to realise how often this happens. Mostly it's in cases from the education sector, although it may happen in any public sector case, for example the NHS. Occasionally, but less often, it happens in private sector cases, and in rare cases from the voluntary sector.

Although there's never any substantive proof, it seems that all the parties arrayed against you have been colluding in secret. The question is, what allegiance binds these individuals together, and where could they meet such that the normal rules of confidentiality do not apply? What fraternal obligation places their duty to support and protect each other above the moral, ethical and legal obligations by which the rest of us are bound?

Employers, unions, law firms, and employees of the justice system are part of society, and every group, professional or otherwise, contains a few poor performers and rotten apples. This ranges from inexperience through ineptitude and incompetence to collusion and corruption.

The same truth applies for mobbing, and several other scenarios where individuals, whistle-blowers, etc, try to get justice.

If you are not seeing the bigger picture you might think that you are fighting several separate entities, but you are not, you are fighting the same enemy, with different appendages, but at the end of the day, we are all chasing the same phantom.

It's a system of control and conformity that we are fighting against.

[quote]The system that really exists and that controls society is really made up of the powerful and elite, Corporations and Governments. The powerful elite, do not care who is in government, because they will always have the primary say with how things go, and what the final outcome is. The same has become true for corporations, and powerful interests. Then there is the will of the government, the body that appears to be elected by the people, but who is there to really serve the will of these powerful interests.

To keep the system in place and running smoothly, there are appendages that are set in place to teach the population how to act, think, behave, and yes how to conform to the system. The system wants people to come up thinking that they are completely free and can act, think, and feel however they choose to. This is true to an extent, as long as your interest do not run too contrary to what the system has in mind. Once your interest start to run contrary, or you do something to step out of what the system considers acceptable boundaries, that is when you enter the Targeted Individual zone. [/quote]

What do the above elements all have in common. They all lead back to the same source and they all paint a similar picture. A government that is run by corrupt elements. Corrupted elements Who will do what it takes to protect the system they have in place.

The more alarming picture that many of us are waking up to, is the fact that they have the ability to do this.

In my research, and Mark. M. Rich's research, we both realised that they have an army of citizen informants. Some of these people are just average people like yourselves, who probably have no idea that there is a bigger picture happening. A lot of others are people that the government feel that they own or can control, and can manipulate. Homeless people, street kids, the poor that they have forced into this.

We can look for phantoms all we want, but at the end of the day, it's the same strings being pulled. What the main stream media, which is controlled by governments and corporations does, is it tries to paint people who try to bring these discoveries to light as insane, or paranoid, or try to make it seem that these things do not exist, and if evidence does present itself, they try to make it seem that it's being done by anyone else but the actual source.

When evidence is too great and the system can no longer hide the truth, they still find ways to protect themselves, and society instead of demanding change, adjust to the new reality, and it continues. I have spoken about this before, I saw a documentary that talked about the church and the priest and the documentary said, that after the exposure, the laws in Rome were changed, which now make it harder to prosecute these priests. The system again protected itself.
So wither it's exposure of the CIA running drugs, or mind control, if it does get out to the main stream, there is usually a period of shock and awe, and then the controls that are in place, move in very quickly to squash it's sources of opposition.

The threat passes, the knowledge becomes a part of society, and that's it.
How did it all become so corrupt? Like attracts like. In every institution, in every country there have been increased reports of bullying, and mobbing, etc. The ones being targeted fit a specific profile, and they are the ones who get pushed out of the system.

What we also see happening, is that the ones doing the targeting are the ones to be advanced, the bully get's a promotion, the accused pedophile becomes governor, etc. We see the corrupt elements in these stories advancing, and their victims or targets, often being eliminated or left without means.

A system like this under these conditions can become corrupt very fast. Corrupt elements are protected because they have something to hind and so they protect each other.
Others believe that protection of these elements is necessary to protect society and so they go along with what they know to be wrong.

Other are scared, they have seen what the system can do. They see it happen to whistle-blowers, journalist that do controversial stories, lawyers that go up against the system.
Others over time have learnt this is the way things are, and they just comply.

Others are just unaware of the real mechanisms in place, and would be shocked and disgusted, but when they try to do something about it, they find that there is no one there to help.
I think change is possible, but only if we truly wake up and realise that something is wrong. We are living in a corrupt society, with some very wrong elements. Elements in many cases that go up the top of the chain. Elements that protect and look out for each other.

Elements that know how to and which continue to manipulate, scare, and subdue people in to complacency.

If you try to see the bigger picture, or are not familiar with conspiracies, it will be hard to take. Two years ago, I didn't want to see or believe that there could be any correlation between the abductee community and gang stalking. I thought my government were the best and that it was just a matter of bringing this to the attention of the right person in government. I now realise that this is not the case, because this is the source. I thought I lived in a democratic society, but I realise that democracy is not what I first thought it is.

I realise this system is also moving towards a one world government, and until we find some way united to see the bigger picture and act on it, things will not change. How can they if people do not realise that there is a need for change, and once they realise this, they have to begin to understand the true structure that they are up against.

For now it was just important to bring these elements all together in one place so we could have a better understanding of what we are dealing with.

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Gang Stalking, Sexual Assault, and E-harassment.

The next thing I wanted to talk about was an Interview Greg Syzmanski did with Ramona Lopez. The interview is from a couple of years ago.

She was a regular mom who saw kids in her community doing drugs. She wanted to help these kids, so she started with some others in the community to help try to get the drugs stopped.

What happened to her was a nightmare. Along the way of trying to stop drugs, she learnt that the officials in the community were actually trying to push drugs on the kids. There she was trying to get the kids off drugs, and the police and others were trying to keep them on drugs.

Well she started to make this known and that is when the trouble started. Her and her friends started to get set up, several of the woman who had tried to help her were set up with narcotics, arrested and placed in jail. She herself was almost set up, but she had tapped the conversation.

She was gang stalked, she actually walked into one of the community policing meetings where they were trying to set her up and demonise her. They didn't realise that she was the one that they were going to be following around, so they spoke openly about her, saying things that were not true. When they realised it was her, they stopped talking at the meeting.

Her family would later be harassed, they started to electronically harass her, she was drugged with needles, she was gang raped in her home, when she went to file a report about it, they did not want to perform a rape kit, when she reported it to the police, the report when no place. She was constantly stopped by the police, demonised, she even eventually lost her home because of the harassment.

They used everything to silence her and the rest of the people that had tried to help these kids. What she discovered is what many others have discovered, the authorities in these areas were the ones trying to push drugs on the kids.

She also when she went to the doctor found that she had been chipped. She has x-rays of this, and other documentation.

She awoke in the middle of the night on more than one occasion when they were in her home, thinking they had her in a drug like state, she could hear them talking above her. (The scene she described reminds me a lot of what some of the abducties have said about waking up, with people around them. I do think there is a tie in to these scenarios.) She talks about how they can make you pass out. What she is referring to by this is how the electronic pulses can put you to sleep, many targets including myself have experienced this. We will be fully awake and if we are not cognizant of the electronic harassment beginning, we will just fall asleep and awake later. Your energy is just zapped, and you just fall asleep, as if you have no energy. Kind of like a small child being instantly rocked to sleep.

She was still being stalked and harassed, they had gone after her family. She is very credible when you listen to her, and there was no reason for the government to do this to this woman, but they did. The drugs in the community never stopped and she became just one more target of the state, who stumbled upon the truth and was silenced for it.

Please take the time to listen to the full audio interview of what they did to this woman.

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Cellphone Stalking

It occurred to me with all the talk about Cellphone Stalking, that I don't think I have actually done a full post about this yet.

Well here goes. It's starts off with this family and the teenage daughter's cellphone one day starts sending off tet messages to her friends that she did not send. Not so strange, probably a glitch, but what happens next is more of a nightmare.

The family her whole family start getting threatening calls on the cellphone, the caller says he can hear and see them. The caller can not only see and hear them, he can track and monitor them whereever they are.

*If they are at home, he will call and tell them what the kids are wearing, what they are doing.

*The mother was making lemonade, he called to tell her her preferred limes.

*They bought a security system, he called to say he knew the code.

*They went to the police. He sent them an a recording of the interview with the police.

*They were out camping in the woods, he called to tell them he could see them, what they were wearing etc.

*The daughter was at the club, he called told her where she was, what she was wearing.

*The Stalkers came to the house one day and the family called the cops, when the cops came, the stalkers left, then when the cops went away the stalkers came back. This happened 3 times and then the family gave up.

The list goes on and on, but at the end of the day, this is what has been reported. There were a total of three families that this sort of stalking happened to. The Kuykendall family were the ones who went public.

The stalkers were able to track and view them 24/7. Knew their locations and anything they were doing anytime of the day, anyone in the family.

Didn't matter if the phones were off, they would power themselves back on. Even if the phones seemed off, they could still listen in and hear them. Many people falsely believe that if the phone is off, you can't be listened to, that is not correct.

I first wanted to say, that I don't think this is gang stalking. There stalkers were extremely overt, ours are often semi covert. They had lot's of proof for the police. This happened outside of the family, as well as inside of the family. Eg. The girls boyfriend received a call from the stalker saying that, the caller was going to rape or had raped his girlfriend. (It was not true.)

The experience was terrifying for the family. The daughter dropped out of school for a semester.
What does tie this into gang stalking is the fact that this is the first fuly documented, very public case of 24/7 stalking and monitiring. Three families making the same sorts of claims. Showing that people can be tracked 24/7, by vidio and audio.

In this case, I get the feeling the stalkers were more localised, and it had more to do with the family, the daughter and her circle more than anything else. I do still think it was highly malicious act, and the family were terrified.

Most of us go through the same thing on our own, we are never believed, and on top of that, they come into our homes when we are not there. They know when we are not there. They move our stuff around, we change locks, we get security systems and they still get past it.

On top of this, we are followed around out in public 24/7 and out Civilian Spies, often let us know that we are being followed, by repeating our personal situations and conversations out loud in public.

This family had the benefit of going through this together, most of us go though this alone, and we on top of that, have our friends, family, society, turned against us, and we often get hit with fraudulent mental health claims.

The reason this story is important is not just for targets, or the families this happened to, this story is important for all of society, because if it can happen to them, how do you know it's not secretly happening to you? You don't.

Now how could this have been done? There are a few ways. There is a company, which I will not promote here, it's for cheating spouses, they can then let you track your spouses location. As I have talked about before, if you know someone's cellphone number, there are programs on the Internet that let you track their location. GPS, etc.

There are also other programs that will let you, use the camera to watch what the person is doing, this goes for computers as well.

Now these might have been kids playing around, but think of what our governments, and others have the capacity to do.

Remember this family changed phones 6-7 times, different numbers, etc. It did not make an ounce of difference. That means all new models of phones have this capacity.

The other possibility that has not been discussed, is these stalkers, might have had access to some kind of satellite. If they had any kind of satelight access, there are now satellights in space that can hear a whisper, satellites that can see into concrete bunkers, much less houses, and they are so precise they can could do what was described here and more.

Now let's say our government wanted to spy on society. We all know that they would never do thatright, but let's say the did. :-)

Most people in modern day society have active listening and monitoring devices strapped onto them at any given hour of the day, that can visually and audio track them, and others around them in variouslocations and surrounding.

That means most of society could be getting spied on, even more so than we already are without thinking about it. Think of them as mini CCTV camera, with audio.

Also I don't know how many people saw the new batman over the summer, but there is a scene where Bruce Wayne needs to find the joker, what he does is he uses this computer to turn every cellphone in the area into an audio and sonar bug. Meaning he could listen to them all, and see them in all in sonar mode. In the movie batman in that scene can literally see and spy on just about everyone with a cellphone. Keep this in mind.

We now know these phone have the capacity to do the type of surveillance these families described. This is something to think about as you carry your mini computers everywhere you go.

The other thing I wanted to mention in this post are the flat screen televisions, that we see in malls, elevators, doctors offices, etc. They often show news, the time, other updated information. For some odd reason, they often remind me of those screens in the movie 1984. You know where it looks like a T.V. but it can be used to spy on the average public. Those things are starting to be everywhere.

I am not saying that is what is happening, however for some odd reason, every time I walk past one it puts that in mind.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

A little disinformation.

A little disinformation goes a long way. I am not above falling for it at times.

When I came online, I didn't know about disinformation agents, those topics were foreign to me, it was conspiracy stuff. Now words and terms like this are common everyday words to me. Things have become so different now, and it's a word that comes up a lot.

How do you know what is real and what is fake? You don't even I don't, not always. I have over time become better at it, and can spot things a lot better, but even I have my moments.

I just came across a really good example of this recently. I came across a post using information from my site, now it's cool, I don't information being used from my site, I don't mind that at all. However there were two points that I noticed which caused me some concern. Now I have spoken to the person and asked them to use the post in full, and not separated, or changed.

However the two parts of the post that worried me were these.

The ended was changed, transposed, the ended that was drawn changed my conclusions about what is behind gang stalking, well not changed them, rather inserted specific conclusions that I did not use on the website. The other part that was worrying is that the post said that the former Stasi signals that were being used back in East Germany were the exact ones being used now.

My site does not say this.

Original text

[quote]Communicate happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals. Citizen Informants also seem to get verbal ques via cellphone and earphones.

These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

Here is a list of signals that the former East German Secret Police the Stasi used. [/quote]

Those are some of the differences.

[quote]How do participants communicate?

Communication happens in a number of ways. When on the street or in cars patrolling, they use baseball or Stasi like signals. These include things like tapping the side of the nose, corner of the eye, brushing back the hair 3 times, the infamous double blink, etc.

This evil is so bizarre that the perpetrators have a party/celebration when they have collectively destroyed an innocent victim. We collectively have to "Stop The Madness" or Fascism will destroy everything, regardless. It is your duty to copy this article and spread the truth about what's really happening in the community.

Here is a small list of groups/organisations that get used to destroy society (and themselves). Masons, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, Speculative Society, Round Table, Rotarians, Orange Order, Scientology, Monarch Programming, all Religions and Institutions. Also people who have been baited/set up/conned, etc. Here is a list of Stasi signals that the these groups use at Stasi secret police.[/quote]

As you can see there is quite an addition to what my site says. I don't know if they have a party after. Sure if you copy the article with that ending, it will not be my words, or the words of my site as the original article appears.

Now that small list could probably be all involved, but to put it in as my sites information is not correctly reusing content from the site.

Also that list is not what is being used now, that link is to the former Stasi Signals.

I have seen posts where people give feedback on the posting with the changed ending, always lot's of good feedback, but it's not in accordance with what is on the site.

That's three things that an unsuspecting target could come across and take for granted as true, because the rest of the article is correct.

Now since I have already spoken to the person, this is not about that, but it got me thinking about a lot of the information out there. Like the movie Zeitgeist, a lot of people watch this movie and they see that the 9/11 stuff is true, and so assume the whole movie is true and correct. I tend to disagree, with some parts of it.

I have seen the same thing with David Icke. I like David Icke, but on more than one occasion, I have watched a video or something that he has said, and the whole things will be correct, then he will put in something that I feel is not correct, or could be unintentional disinformation.

We are not perfect and I have stated that when I first came online, I was for a short time, falling for the vigilante stalking, bs. I got past that quickly, but for a time, I was probably capable of repeating that crap to other people and not doing myself or anyone else any favors.

The point of this post is, that a little disinformation goes a long way. The lies that they tell about us, most times they might be mixed in with enough truth to sound convincing and most people do not take the time to examine things, to go deeper, to look for the truth. They accept the surface stuff, and that's all that they have ever needed. I am the same at times. I am getting better now that I know about disinfo agents, and how these people spread lies, but the majority of the population, they don't know this stuff, they take things mostly at surface value.

I would say be mindful of this and remember that a little disinformation goes a long way, a little leaven will spoil the whole loaf.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Obama. A call to service.

These are Obama's plans for American Citizens. I would like to get some general feedback from American's and others about what they think of Obama's plans for the future and their children's futures.

Quote: I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am President of the United States.

Quote: This will not be a call issued in one speech or one program - this will be a central cause of my presidency. We will ask Americans to serve. We will create new opportunities for Americans to serve. And we will direct that service to our most pressing national challenges.

Quote: That's why I will call on a new generation of Americans to join our military, and complete the effort to increase our ground forces by 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines.

Quote: Today, AmeriCorps - our nation's network of local, state and national service programs - has 75,000 slots. They tap America's greatest resource - our citizens.

Quote: As President, I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots,

Quote: People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem - they are the answer.

Quote: We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods. We'll enlist veterans to help other vets find jobs and support, and to be there for our military families. And we'll also grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy.

Quote: And we'll use technology to connect people to service. We'll expand USA Freedom Corps to create an online network where Americans can browse opportunities to volunteer. You'll be able to search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you'll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities.

Quote: So when I'm President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you'll have done 17 weeks of service.

Quote: At the middle and high school level, we'll make federal assistance conditional on school districts developing service programs, and give schools resources to offer new service opportunities. At the community level, we'll develop public-private partnerships so students can serve more outside the classroom.

For college students, I have proposed an annual American Opportunity Tax Credit of $4,000. To receive this credit, we'll require 100 hours of public service. You invest in America, and America invests in you -

Quote: To marshal their talents in building a new energy economy, I will launch an initiative to give our veterans the training they need to succeed in the Green Jobs of the future. It's time to end our energy dependence at home so our national security isn't held hostage to oil and gas from abroad.

Quote: And we will not leave out the nearly 2 million young Americans who are out of school and out of work. We'll enlist them in our Energy Corps,

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Homeschooling Banned in California. School shooting in Finland

Another school shooting has just happened in Finland. This school shooting comes less than a year after the other Finnish School shooting.

Almost a year ago, Pekka-Eric killed several of his class mates and left behind a note, saying:

[quote]Collective deindividualization is a phenomenon where individual will be trained as part of the mindless herd controlled by state, corporation, church or some other organization, group, ideology, religion or mass delusion system and adopt it’s rules, morality and codes of conduct.

This phenomenon has been familiar in all despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian, monarchist, communist, socialist, nazi, fascist and religious societies troughout history. Also, the modern western democratic republics have the same phenomenon. It is just done so that people will think they are free and don’t realize they are being enslaved. Majority of people in society are weak-minded and ignorant retards, masses that act like programmed robots and accept voluntarily slavery. But not me! I am self-aware and realize what is going on in society! I have a free mind! And I choose to be free rather than live like a robot or slave. You can say I have a “god complex”, sure… then you have a “group complex”! Compared to you retarded masses, I am actually godlike.

Totalitarian governments rule people through education system, consumerism, mass media, monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force (police, military) and laws discriminating people who think differently than the majority. Democracy… you think democracy means freedom and justice? You are wrong. Democracy is a dictatorship of the moral majority… and the majority is manipulated and ruled by the state mafia. Modern western democracy has nothing to do with freedom or justice; it is totalitarian and corrupted system. Laws are made over the heads of the people and people are being brainwashed to support the system and connected to the institutional structures immediately after their birth. Societies are being ruled by manipulative and charismatic politicians who only care about the interests of majority, and who do not base their decisions on reason but emotions and feelings of the masses. These masses let the authorities of state to make all the important decisions for them. The masses will get an education, they study, get a job, go to work and vote in elections. They think they are free and don’t criticise or question the system. They have become robots. It is like a constructed mechanism in mind, that leaves little choice for an individual to think, talk and act independently.[/quote]

[quote]Long live the revolution… revolution against the system, which enslaves not only the majority of weak-minded masses but also the small minority of strong-minded and intelligent individuals! If we want to live in a different world, we must act. We must rise against the enslaving, corrupted and totalitarian regimes and overthrow the tyrants, gangsters and the rule of idiocracy. I can’t alone change much but hopefully my actions will inspire all the intelligent people of the world and start some sort of revolution against the current systems. The system discriminating naturality and justice, is my enemy. The people living in the world of delusion and supporting this system are my enemies.[/quote]

Today another shooting has occurred and this young man has also expressed a great deal of anger towards humanity. It's still yet unknown if his motivation was the same as Pekka-Eric's.
[quote]Media reports named the gunman as Matti Juhani Saari, 22, a trainee chef at the vocational college.

The suspect posted a video of himself on the internet last week firing a gun.
As a result of this, police interviewed him on Monday but decided they did not have enough evidence to revoke his licence, the interior minister said. [/quote]

[quote]The gunman, dressed in black and wearing a ski mask, was seen entering the building with a large bag. Shots were fired soon afterwards. [/quote]

It's weird that he was wearing a ski mask. One thing is for certain, this will just move Finland one step closer to gun control bans. Previous to these two shooting, there was very little it seems to worry about.

Will problem, reaction, solution strategy be implemented here?

I am still wondering about the ski mask?

In other news. California has banned home schooling. That's right, in case you don't want your five year old's learning sex ed in schools. Getting shot, stabbed, programmed by the state to be mindless autobots, who are incapable of thinking, and only following orders, you soon will not have a choice, if you live in California.

[quote]Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.
Heads of the project have set themselves a goal of 'creating primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated'.

The ambition was revealed in documents prepared for the No Outsiders project run by researchers from universities and backed with £600,000 of public money provided by the Economic and Social Research Council[/quote]

Is it just me, or is it too much to ask that kids get to grades 4,6,7 before their sex ed begins? Oh well, those boring old fashioned values.

I am sorry, but I don't think 5 year old's should be learning sex ed. They are so busy with trying to understand the world, their minds should be free to think about important things like in 3 years, they can be jr street watchers (Snitches) for the state.

[quote]Army of spies: Children are being trained by councils to report neighbours who drop litter or commit 'bin crimes' Children are being offered money by councils to spy on neighbours and report petty offences such as 'bin crimes' and dog-fouling.

The youngsters are among 5,000 residents encouraged to photograph or video neighbours in the act of 'environmental crimes'.

In some cases children as young as eight, are being bribed with rewards of £500 for passing on the names of neighbours or taking down their car registration numbers.

The Daily Telegraph found that one in six councils out of 240 contacted admitted to signing up the 'environmental volunteers.'[/quote]

Thank goodness we as a society have taken the time to remove the truly dangerous things from their lives, like God, family values, and self esteem. We have made them see the errors of their ways, and tuned them into what is really important. A generation later we are seeing some of the fruits of those labours.

Anyways, here is the main story. In California it is now illegal to home school kids. We want to make sure the state has their minds, from birth cause that is the only way you can control a society, is by going after the children.

[quote]A California appeals court has ruled that homeschooling of children is illegal unless their parents have teaching credentials from the state.

“California is now on the path to being the only state to deny the vast majority of homeschooling parents their fundamental right to teach their own children at home,” said Michael Smith, president of the Home School Legal Defense Association.

The court overturned a lower court’s finding that homeschooling did not constitute a violation of child welfare laws.

“California courts have held that … parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children,” Justice H. Walter Croskey said.

The decision stunned parents of the state’s roughly 166,000 homeschooled children. While the court claimed that it was merely clarifying an existing law and not making a new one, the decision leaves the parents of homeschooled children at risk of arrest and criminal prosecution.
“At first, there was a sense of, ‘No way,’ ” homeschool parent Loren Mavromati said. “Then there was a little bit of fear. I think it has moved now into indignation.”

Parents’ reasons for homeschooling their children range from religious beliefs to dissatisfaction with the education received at public or private schools. But according to the court, all California children between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend either a full-time public or private school or be taught by a tutor credentialed for their specific grade level.

“A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation,” Croskey wrote.
California’s largest teachers union welcomed the decision as did the Children’s Law Center of Los Angeles.

According to the law center’s executive director, Leslie Heimov, children should not be educated at home, because they need to be “in a place daily where they would be observed by people who had a duty to ensure their ongoing safety.” [/quote]

Good patriots, loyal to the state and nation. Yes Russia did that, the kids were so loyal to the state, that they turned in their parents. Hitler did that also didn't he? Before you can change the society, you must indoctrinate the minds of the children. We as a society stand by consistently and let these changes happen, and then we get the end results and act all surprised and horrified, and wonder what the connection could be.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

The structure of our oppression video.

There is a new video out, it matches the article the structure of our oppression.
If you feel that the video might have some merit, then please upload it to your blogs, websites, etc.

Or please link to the video.

Again the video just covers all the items that are located in the structure of oppression article, located here

I think a lot of information has come out in the last couple of weeks. I think it's up to Targeted Individuals to review the information, research for yourselves and then if you find the information to be valid, please share it with others.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

One nation under seige

Ok as expected within a few hours of posting about this movie with a link to the movie, it's been removed from youtube. I recommend that every target watch this movie. It has very valuable information about some of the things that are going on in this country and others. I have not seen such an eye opening movie in a really long time. I wish I had seen this movie two years ago.

Here is the link for movie info.
audio clip.

However I recommend viewing the movie.

It talks so many things that are going to show you the reality of what is happening, things that you need to know about, communiyt policing, police can come into your home without a warrent and look around when you are not there, medicated society, electronic harassment, Cointelpro, Red Squads, RFID tags. Many of the things that I have spoken about in the last two years, can be found in this movie. Find a way to view it. I have not seen such an eye opening movie in a really long time. I wish I had seen this movie two years ago.

One nation under seige.

[quote] It's all about spying, tracking, and control...
Prepare to be instantly propelled into a world dominated by hi-tech surveillance and old fashioned spying as you go behind enemy lines drawn in our own backyards. One Nation Under Siege presents disturbing facts never before disclosed to a majority of the sleeping American public. Through the research of over a dozen internationally distinguished authors, journalists, physicians, and ex-military - you will begin to understand the massive and ceaseless control projected onto an unsuspecting populace by a government that has finally crossed the line to fascism.

From the USA PATRIOT Act and the blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights to the outright tracking of every human being on the planet earth, you will be stunned by what U.S. government documents describe for the future of America. [/quote]

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I didn't know what to title this. There is so much that I want to say, and if I don't say it all at once a lot of it get's forgotten.


Eg. Movies, I meant to post about movies that you should check out, and keep forgetting to. I also don't have the time to post about them now.


I think it would be nice for the Gang Stalking targeted individual community to come together, but how would this happen? We will be stronger if we are united, that is true, but then how could we avoid the problems we already have, and then the problems that the members of the Cointelpro community faced? If we can't find a way to come together, then we might be able to succeed, but if we come together as one voice, if it's not the correct voice or voices, we are right back where we came from.

People like to come together, they like groups. They like a sense of community. That is one of the worst parts of this, because when you finally meet others like yourself who are going through the same thing that you are, you should be able to just sit back relax and trust. This is the thing that programs like Cointelpro, and men like J. Edgar Hoover, stole from so many people. It's a legacy that has been left behind, a sick legacy, but a legacy none the less.

I do think about what will bring us together, should we attempt it? Aren't we together now? No we are not. I check the forums and there is still so much disinfo out there. It's incredible, and again I wonder, with so many alleged targets out there, why are there not more people on these forums, getting the correct information out there? I mean we have videos, articles, etc. I think there is enough good evidence to show and prove some of the things we have been saying, but that information is simply not getting disseminated and I wonder why that is?


Has anyone else noticed that when they update a site or blog, or make corrections the corrections are gone or changed sometimes? I had solid proof of this at one time. I had made an update on the what is new section, and then the next day the update was gone, and the post count had reversed itself. I notice that sometimes I will do an update and then check back sometime later and the update will not be there. Not a big thing, but if it's happening to anyone else, it's just a heads up.

Simple things like I will do a spelling correction, then check back and the article will be reverted to an older copy that does not have the correction. That just happened with something I updated, and it just reminded me to ask if anyone else get's this.


As you know, I have been researching a great deal. I have found many good articles.
You can read the slightly updated Gang Stalking FAQ posted here, plus watch the videos.
The structure of oppression article has been updated.
The resources section has also been slightly updated.

I found a reference to the sign language that they use when out on patrol. I found a Covert Agent Training Manual, and I found a reference to what I was looking for.

Conduct covert foot surveillance operations


This unit is about performing covert foot surveillance operations in order to gather
information, intelligence and/or evidence.

To be competent in this unit you will need to be able to prepare for the operation.
You must be able to deploy from a vehicle and conduct a foot surveillance on a subject using approved techniques to gather information, intelligence and/or
evidence, negotiating hazards whilst remaining covert at all times and assisting your team members to remain covert also. You are expected to use a range of equipment suitable for the task (e.g. cameras, radios, image intensifiers). You must maintain
communication within the team using approved and recognised methods and be able to rejoin a vehicle covertly. The accurate recording of any information, intelligence and/or evidence gathered during the operation is also required.

The purpose of conducting surveillance operations is to gather information, intelligence or evidence and therefore this unit links to unit 2A1 ‘Gather and submit information that has the potential to assist policing objectives’.

There is one element:

Conduct covert foot surveillance operations
This unit was developed by the Police Skills and Standards Organisation.
Skills for Justice
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement
April 2005
Page 10


Conduct covert foot surveillance operations
Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you
provide researched, flexible and plausible cover stories consistent with your appearance and the operational environment
make appropriate use of any clothing and props necessary to remain covert
make an effective use of cover, distance, timing and positions during surveillance operations
react to changing situations by employing appropriate tactics
employ close control techniques where necessary to gather information, intelligence and evidence covertly
employ other appropriate surveillance techniques where necessary to gather information, intelligence and evidence covertly
identify, assess and continually review potential risks in relation to the operational environment and react appropriately
operate and maintain equipment in accordance with training and manufacturer’s instructions in a way that maintains covert operation
communicate with other team members accurately and effectively using recognised and approved methods
assist other team members in remaining covert throughout the surveillance operation
carry out all roles in recognised foot surveillance systems effectively, efficiently and covertly
recognise counter surveillance activities and use approved and recognised tactics effectively to combat them
recognise anti surveillance activities and use approved and recognised tactics effectively to combat them
where appropriate, co-ordinate your actions and communicate with other teams and individuals to maintain effective surveillance operations
deploy from and rejoin vehicles covertly where used
recognise the limits of the authority for the surveillance operation and take the appropriate action in respect of changing circumstances
appropriately document all actions, information, intelligence and evidence in accordance with current policy and legislation

Operational environment
night time
good environmental conditions
poor environmental conditions

Skills for Justice
National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement
April 2005
Page 11

by radio
by telephone
by using hand signals [/quote]

See hand signals. I don't want to say I told you so, but well...

The next thing I found out is that they are using Terrorist laws to do surveillance on innocent ordinary people.

Here are a few clips from the article.
SCOTTISH COUNCILS ARE USING SURVEILLANCE AND security powers intended to fight terrorism and organised crime in order to spy on ordinary members of the public suspected of petty offences such as breaching the smoking ban, playing music too loudly and dropping litter.

Local authority chiefs have ordered staff to spy on unwitting members of the public some 3579 times since being granted the powers in 2002. Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa), councils have the power to secretly film and bug people, use paid spies to inform on a suspects activities, and even intercept communications data such as mobile and land line use and information about email traffic.

The council claimed "most commonly, directed surveillance is used by community safety staff to investigate complaints of anti-social behaviour. A small number of authorisations will be made by Environmental Health and Trading Standards staff investigating breaches of legislation relevant to their area of work. Finally, staff dealing with fraudulent benefit claims will have made a small number of applications".

Edinburgh also said it used "covert human intelligence sources" (CHIS) four times. A CHIS could be a friend paid to pass information to the council, or someone paid by the council to gather information on a target and relay details of their life back to local authority bureaucrats. Edinburgh Council defended Ripa as "an important tool" and said it only used the powers "as a last resort".

Details from Moray showed just how badly informed and trained council staff were about the Ripa legislation. A restricted inspection report from the Office of Surveillance Commissioners dated September 2004 says the council's policy on using covert human intelligence sources was "clearly confused" and "displays a lack of understanding". "Every record" relating to covert human intelligence "was significantly defective".

Richard Haley, secretary of SACC, said he was "astonished and baffled" by the misuse of Ripa, adding: "We need to be clear that this is not about a few more CCTV cameras. This is directed surveillance, likely to obtain private information on ordinary people. We are talking about the use of cameras and microphones and agents.

"If these cases are serious, then they warrant proper policing, not amateur detective work by council officials acting as if they were part of a private detective agency. Profound civil liberties issues are raised here.''[/quote]


This video is a must see.

Section 5,6,7 are very interesting.

The whole movie is interesting, but those sections talk about the community policing programs, electronic harassment, RFID chips and other relevant information.
I would recommend anyone who has questions about what is happening to check out this movie.

There is more to say, but I think this is more than enough to think about for now.

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This post is called disinfo. It's taken from a post called false Sheppard's from the Naff site. The common tactics have been reworked to apply to Gang Stalking, and the Targeted Individual Community.

Even as part of the community I don't always have my hands in everything that is happening. I tend to stay away from things that I know will not move this cause forward, that will not get us the answers that we need.

1. Covert Agents will make themselves experts on Gang Stalking. People will be dependent upon them for information instead of looking for other more valid sources of information.

Eg. When I first came online I joined several groups. One group specifically had a leader that many trusted, but over time I realised this person was a what we all called perps at the time. I watched person after person trying to prove that this person was a perp to no avail. When someone would challenge this person the other agents which were most in the group, would start going, no this person is legit. I can tell you I have worked with this person for years and they are legit. Especially this one person who would always pretend to argue with this person, this second person would always come to this first persons rescue.

I watched this scenario repeated, time and time again. Each challenger beat down, and run off the forum. I learnt that it's pointless for me to try to tell others who is a perp and who is not a perp. You have to figure it out for yourself. If you have come this far, only to be deceived by one of them, then I feel even more sorry for you. However I have been deceived by them before, so just keep questioning, and trust your instincts.

2. By being experts especially when claiming to be under attack by the bad guys, they will make legit targets feel sorry for them. They will make targets feel like we are all on the same side, but we are not. This brings targets to these experts for help and information. They see these people as trusted sources. This gives these people opportunities to continue to control targets, and harass targets. This gives these trusted people access to people, to find out their names, where they live, etc.

Eg. When I first started out, like everyone else I went looking for help. I was scared, didn't know WTF was going on, and wanted answers. The first things they tried to do is find out my name and information. "Oh you could be a perp, we don't know who you are, we are not giving you any information till we know more about you, we have had lot's of perps try to infiltrate us", etc. Being a naturally private person, they did not get a lot of details.

When they did think that they knew enough about me, they started to try to use my sensitivity against me. I was confused, because I was like what the heck? How could they all be doing this, just like offline. Cause online you expect to be in the presence of friends right? Wrong, if you can't find people to trust offline, be just as cautious online.

The thing that accidentally clued me in, was one day this perp was having a little too much fun. I didn't think of him as perp at the time, but he said something to the effect of, "wouldn't it be funny if you were in a forum full of perps and didn't know it"? Something about that really stayed with me, and I sat back then and just observed, pretty soon after some time I began to see that he might not have been that far off, or joking. After that I started to learn. It was shortly after that, that I started to look for other answers.

The other problem with these groups is anytime someone started to suggest something that sounded reasonable, it would be shot down and only what this leader said would have validity, it went back and forth like that for some time, and I learnt.

3. These agents what they will do is use legit victims to promote other perps. Eg. A legit target thinks they have found a trusted source, they will promote that source and then get other legit targets to trust the agent and therefore giving out personal information to these people.

Eg. When I first became a target, I use to really reference the David Lawson book, and at first I was on forums going well David Lawson in his book... says this, or says that..., but I had not done the research, I just trusted what these leaders had said, because I knew nothing about disinfo agents, and all these stupid games they play. I learnt in time.

4. Control of information. This is a biggie. Some of the experts in the targeted individual community can restrict what is said. I remember when people would bring up legit topics and it was something that they did not want said, well they would suppress a topic, sometimes legit observations that other targets had made.

Also many of these agents or citizen informants you see them on YouTube, doing their best to make targets look insane, paranoid, or by making up the worst stories.
When I was on some of these sites or forums, you just knew some of the things being said didn't sound right, but you just thought, they can't all be perps can they? Maybe not all, but too many are, and it just brings down legit targets.

Even on normal forums, what they do is they will have specific people who's only job it is to make the topic sound paranoid or crazy, or get legit topics banned, threads closed, or removed. Anything to make sure the correct information does not get out.

Eg. You have Covert sources on these forums going, no the government is not involved, why would the government stalk people, this is vigilante groups, I know this for a fact, cause I know who set me up for the stalking. Don't get me wrong, you have some real targets who might believe they know who did it and from whence it came, but you also have these people spreading what sounds like just enough correct information to make the disinfo sound truthful.

5. The truth factor. Yes this is where they will spread 95% truth and then 5% disinfo, but it's that 5% that will really screw you up. Most people will believe everything said, because you are getting truth, truth, truth, truth, truth, disinfo, truth, truth, truth. I talked about this when I saw a David Icke's video and I said that I believed he was right about 95% of the things he had said, but I believed he was 5% telling a myth with this references to how many messiahs had existed before.

Even without that example, there is the David Lawson book, came out the same year as 9/11. Had all the information needed to sound legit, but he comes to the conclusion that it's foreign terrorists and "anti-government" groups, who are responsible for the organised stalking? Really David? You were like a detective for 12 years, you travelled with these people for like how many years? Yet in my opinion he does not draw the right conclusion. Why is that?

Come on people think. What do you think the purpose of the book was? I have said it before and I will say it again. Either he is an agent, or he is the worst detective ever.

I believe the book is disinfo, using the 95% to 5% rule. Thanks to that book however, how many are still searching for terrorist or right wing groups as the source of their stalking? Remember not everyone has access to online groups. So many will get the book, look in the wrong place, and get themselves put in a mental hospital talking about terrorist stalking them, which I think was the purpose.

6. Yes another problem. By making themselves experts, targets get lazy. We trust them to speak for us. Depending on them to speak for us silences us, and determines the way our cause will move forward, or more importantly will not. Their goal is to keep the truth from us, and from the general public for as long as possible. We also then parrot their disinfo, so when we go to forums and talk about terrorist stalking us or whatever the lie is, then we look insane.

I keep encouraging targets, to find the leader within. Do your own research. If you are not good at research, just think. Does the information they are giving me match what I am seeing offline? Eg. The lie that this was extremist groups doing this, didn't wash. My friends and family were involved, they may be many things, but they are not members of extremist groups. Nore were they likely to be. What they were telling me in these forums, and what I did see, when I finally went outside again did not correspond. So I researched, came up with a hypothesis, when it didn't fully fit, I reworked it, tested it again, and then eventually the evidence matched what I was actually seeing. The pieces of the puzzle started to come together.

If the information is correct, I believed the corresponding proof would come. I think in the last week or two, a wealth of information has been found in my opinion to match what I was saying. I remember when I presented these theories on the forums, I was totally felt shot down and devalued, and I politely just left. It was not giving me the correct answers and I knew it. I more importantly knew that things were not what they seemed. For me it was the right thing to do. I can work well on my own, and if I had stayed in forums, or let others confuse me, I would not have been able to get to the correct information as quickly as I did. Trust your instincts if you have any.

7. By making them experts and our voices, they take away our power, and they move the movement forward the way they want it to go. Also if a target is about to reveal the truth, or come out with information, they will have someone on their side come out with it first, or come out with the information in greater detail. When they can no longer suppress the truth, they will tell the truth, but with their spin, and they will try to make sure that one of their people on their side is running the show.

They never just have one person. They always have several, and they will in subtle ways back each other up. I have said it before and I will say it again. I think out of let's say 10 sites, you will find one or two that are legit, and the rest will be run by their people. That is my personal opinion, but I have my reasons for feeling this way.

They won't all say the same thing, they will be working different angles so you will be like, well these people are doing something different, so you might feel that they are legit, but they still might not be.

8. Being an expert in some ways can be lucrative. Again the David Lawson book was the only thing the community had for some time. A lot of these people know how to work it with books, and DVD, etc. They will know how to network and how to organise better then most targets. Also they will have an agenda, if the truth is going to be disseminated on mass scale, it will be via their channels and not usually ours.

9. The agents I assume have a vested interest in making sure that the truth does not come to light. They do pose as leaders, cause we trust them to know more about the cause than we do. I mean many of them have been here before. Many of them knew about things like mind control, electronic harassment, etc.

When I came online, I looked to others, cause I didn't know what was going on, and it was easy to
truth these people. I was lucky, or maybe I don't know, but I didn't fall into some of the traps that I could of. Mostly I just wanted the truth about what was going on. It's taken up so much of my time.

10. As mentioned before, they will play off of each other. Eg. They will pretend to be on separate sides, then they will both be agents. I have seen this play a dozen times. It's confusing, cause then you are all like, ok I know this person is a perp, so the other person must be legit, not so. They can both perps.

If you are willing to see the truth, then ya it's pretty shocking that most in the community are not what they seem. Not by a long shot. On these forums, I mean normal forums, there are people there to push down our threads when we have legit conversations about these topics. In other cases to get threads closed. In other cases to make the topic sound crazy, and to just pretend to be targets, and make other targets disbelieve the truth.

When I tell you that we are up against a system, I am not joking. Till you see, feel and experience it for yourself, you will find it hard to believe. However for your own sakes, try to see it for what it is, if you are not able to do this, then at least make sure what they are telling you matches up. Do a little bit of searching yourself.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

The side you don't see 2.

The side you don't see part two.

There were two more incidents that should have been added to part one.

The first thing I have now observed, is that on several occasions where the Citizen Informants on the train, don't quite know if they have the right target in sight. Meaning they have another person that fit's the description.

What will happen is, I have sat there, and personally observed, them using my specific sensitivity to try to annoy the other person. So for example, if my sensitivity was Jingle keys, they would be jingling keys at the wrong person. I believe the theory is, that if they have the wrong person, that person will not react, but that has not always been the case.

I have personally witnessed the Citizen Informants, using the sensitivity to such a degree that they have annoyed the wrong person, or someone who was not me, by using the same sensitivity that I use to have. I have seen this happen more than once. So what I am wondering, is how often do these incidents get reported back, under my file?

This brings me to the second incident. I was at work, and this was during the time I was just starting to realise there was something really wrong, and that people were doing this out in public deliberately.

Well apparently an incident happened. I was getting the blame for it. People at work that I knew, were walking past me giving me dirty looks, saying thing like "some people are so rude," "would you want that getting said to you?"

I knew enough to know an incident had happened, but I didn't know the details, and knew that I was getting the blame and disdain for it. A few days later, apparently the correction was made, and people all started to act all fake nice again. The thought that crossed my mind then, and still does is how many other times have incidents happened, and I had them ascribed to me?

Remember these people are looking for a description, and if they find someone who fits, eg. Asian, male, 5' tall, they will go after that person, wither they are the true target or not, etc.

The last thing that I have observed on several occasions is that they will have people that appear to be crazy or on a couple of occasions it's been Citizen Informants doing a skit and pretending to be crazy. I say snitches pretending to be crazy, because I have observed them, quite clearly and coherently doing the one handed sign language to the other Citizen Informants.

They will appear at the same spot where I am located. It's in my opinion that they appear to be deliberately trying to have someone pretend to be crazy or someone who is crazy, I suspect it's the first where I am located at the time, talking to themselves or doing other really crazy stuff.

Think about it, I am being tracked around the city. So someone calls in a crazy person at Crazy Ave and Insane St talking to themselves or acting crazy in some other way and all of a sudden, the incident is attributed to the target who was in that spot, even though it was not the target.

I do not know how many incidents I have attributed to me, that have nothing to do with me? I do know that I will probably never get to see a file on me, and have a chance to clear my name. What I do know is this system has done some very deliberate things to try to make me, and others look crazy or unstable.

These are things targets should be mindful of, when out in public. I didn't at the time, but if you suddenly see another person, who seems to be acting crazy, or more than likely just pretending to be so, write down the date and the time, because this could be attributed to you in future.

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YouTube, Mass Censorship Ban.

YouTube mass censorship in effect. (S1959)

Hand someone a bible and be considered a terrorist. That's the kind of thing we are dealing with under laws such as this.

Well what You tube is doing is they are going to be censoring many videos.

This is a strict bill that has not passed yet, but YouTube has gone ahead and implemented this massive form of censorship. They seem to keep silencing voices.

The video says they have been trying to raise awareness about S1959, because if this bill passes, it will make disagreeing almost impossible. This apparently attacks the first amendment.
A lot is happening and it happens while we all sleep. Now I saw another more alert poster blog about the YouTube bans a few days back, and for some reason forgot all about it.

However it's been brought to my attention and I am doing my part by raising immediate awareness. If you can, do all that you can to stop the bill from passing, write letters, etc.

Also for YouTube, let's use other file sharing sites if they insist on implementing this ban.
Soon the Internet will not be a free place, they really do want to silence us in every way possible. Right now we have a bit of freedom and a small window of opportunity to make a difference, let's each try to do what we can.

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The reason I am not a snitch.

The reason that I am not a snitch. Someone recently reminded me of how important it was to start snitching. Yes in crack world maybe.

However in my world I am not a snitch and do not choose to be, because I am already too busy being a witness. I am too busy out testifying to the evils that are being committed. See I don't need to be a snitch cause I am already a witness, but what's the difference you ask?

[quote]Witnessing teaches society to do what it has always been expected to do. Be a good neighbour, watch out for those around you. Protect them and care about them like you would for yourself. It's all about freedom to stand up against the oppression of criminal elements in society. Being a witness does not bound and entrap, it's about being free and helping out those around you. Witnessing shows that you care about your friends, family and the society at large. It's noble because the goal is to protect, assist and keep our community safe.

Snitching advocates the fact that you do not have to respect the laws of society, you just have to be willing to snitch when the time comes. Snitching does not foster moral or social responsibility for criminal actions. It fosters a lack of community trust, and shows that law officials will willingly turn a blind eye to the crimes of snitches, and let them walk free in society, or have reduced jail sentences. It's used to help criminals set up and inform on other criminals, and sometimes on the innocent.

Witnessing does not stop the police from doing their jobs, in fact it fosters community corporation because the community sees criminals being put away. There are no dirty under handed deals enslaving members of their communities to become informants and so it fosters a sense of trust with the very people who citizens are suppose to be able to trust.

Snitching destroys families and communities. It does this by making the young men and woman in those societies untrustworthy. It encourages backstabbing and betrayal of friends, family, strangers. It's puts societies that are already strained into even more strained circumstances. Snitching creates mental slaves, who willingly or unwillingly sell their souls to the system for reduced sentences, or freedom from iron prisons.

Witnessing allows the police to do the work that they were hired to do. It puts the proper amount of power back in the hands our legal justice system.

Snitching allows police and prosecutors to get into a vicious and relentless cycle of dependency. It teaches police an addictive reliance on criminal informants for the conviction of other criminals. It teaches them to be lazy and to trust the untrustworthy. Most times to the detriment of the very societies they are sworn to serve and to protect.

Witnesses help and keep society safe and like wise they should be protected by the community they risk their lives to keep safe, and by the law enforcement persons assigned to those communities. These are the people that should be getting immunity and full protection from law enforcement. This form of community corporation is helpful and it fosters good will in society. We learn to trust that wrongs will be made right and those that commit crimes will pay for them. It's a cohesive force that holds society together.

Snitching is being used to destroy the moral fibers of society. It's being used to put criminals on the street with full immunity from crimes they might commit or have committed, because they are snitching on others. It's a devious dragnet that is creating and endless army of slave informants for the law enforcement community. It's causing devastation in some communities, and it's doing more harm than good.

When a society sees that criminals can be put back on the street and protected for their past crimes and future crimes, it erodes the morals of that society. People learn to not trust or respect law enforcement and they also learn to not corporate with law enforcement, cause how can you trust someone who employs the services of paid criminals?

Witnessing is all about liberation and being free, snitching is mental slavery that leaves individuals owned and trapped in a perpetual cycle that hurts society at large. Cases are being solved, but at what cost to the society, morally and ethically?

See people think that snitching is really doing society a lot of good, but as I have blogged about before it's no such thing. Snitching is ruining society and many communities, but very few people have brought the issue into the forefront.

What has been said before is that people who get caught in criminal acts, murder, rape, pedophiles, drug dealers, etc are getting sweet deals and they are getting off, or getting out early, they go back out into these communities and commit high rates of crime, thus people get scared and they want the police to do something to help them. These criminals do not get arrested again, because they are police controlled informants, and so they often end up terrorising these communities, driving up the rates of crime in a society. It then creates a need for these Citizen Informant Programs and gives people the impression that snitching is a good thing. Being a good neighbour is the only thing that has ever been required.

I am doing that, I am being a good neighbour, when I see something that I don't think it right, I write about it, blog about it, talk to people about it.

If I saw someone hurt in my community I would look out for them, and my community. That is what I do, that is my responsibility. I however do not need to be part of a snitching system to do this, and if society has brain washed some members into thinking that is what is necessary to feel safe, then I feel truly sorry for them.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin,

And they shall have neither. In the end you will be the vehicles of your own enslavement and you will have no one to blame but yourselves. Be good citizens, look out for each other, respect and care for one another, if you see something that is not right do your duty as a citizen, speak out, testify, but you never have to be in a controlled program to do you essential human duty.

I am too busy being a witness, whistle-blower, light, town crier, etc. I am doing what I am meant to be doing, and I never have to be a snitch to do what is required of me. These lessons use to be taught in the schools, when we use to let God into the schools, they were the most basic lessons, do unto others as you would have done unto you. Basic morality use to be taught, and I think it use to make us more free, more human, more decent to one another, but I have not see that for a long time.

Therefore snitch if you want to snitch, but as for me, I will serve God.

Joshua 24:14-24

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